jumbo op
god i wish to encounter those " averanges " jumbo mains…
when ppl with the jumbo encounter me that i have only a pz3 the completely ignore me, idk if they dont see pz3 as a threat but they always do this.
they become a plank
perhaps they are thinking " oh no, a pzIII. if i stand still, he shouldn’t be able to see me "
God flanking
he flanked himself ngl
the jumbo is the easiest thing to destroy, is big and slow the sherman remains the best american tank for now
i tryed the sherman i play a couple and for me its seems exactly like the jumbo but without the armor.
I think he knows he can’t pen the PzIIIN because his AP shell is unusable
nah jumbo op
Sherman Is more fast and able to counter infantry if beign sorrounded (jumbo is a modify of the sherman)
idk maybe my first impression was wrong, but now with the addition of the panther the jumbo is the only tank usable.
so it dosent really matter
Just flank it git gud
If you’re braindead maybe
Not YOU specifically
wel yes
90% of my teammate be like
this graph can be can be summarized with the word
No him says just flank it and his true
right right i I was about to forget it
well think how was op the phanter he started the meme just flank it 70 years ago