Average jumbo main

just a precision from gameplay perspective,
( i mean, according to penetration system of war thunder and this game ).

if you angle a panther, the m10 can still pen your side armor and get your ammo.
( second picture on the right )

so you don’t fail.

( that’s how i usually killed them with the m10 in wt )


The 76 in game has far less pen than in WT which has fantasy penetration values for it
Hell to pen the Panther’s turret you have to be super precise otherwise the shell will just be eaten by the turret behind the mantlet
Nevermind that it doesn’t behave like a small nuke like WT
Its a mediocre gun

In WT M62 has like what 140 at point blank
I’d venture to say its 110 or so in Enlisted

Also that sort of side shot is iffy af with the more conservative penetration values on the 76 and if the Panther is angled a degree or two more just won’t go through which I’ve found out the hard way lmfao


i tried the sherman 76 over berlin, and i’d say the issue is:

tank models are still shit.

like honestly.

jumbos, panthers and occasionally t34s can still survive from point blank at side armor shots eating the entire shells. ( or tnt for that regard )

sometimes also barell do not get destroyed despite being hitted compleately.

the same that still makes the m5 and pumas quite resilient.

well, it should in my opinion.

like, the m10 was one of the greatest tank hunter ( until it got replaced of course )



All tank post pen is toned down dramatically from WT to give players a chance
Only the T-34 and Tiger really have proper post penetration damage. PzIV in Moscow too. T-28 did, but the Shrap shell got nerfed to fuck on post pen so its no longer up there anymore.

Barrel sniping is a rat tactic so I’m happy for this one

But I agree that the DMs could use a lot more polish overall

well, in normandy works against PZ IVs with m5s or m8s.

so they have a chance against those tanks which i suppose makes sense.

I had my fill of it in the later end of 8 years of WT tbh

I understand it has tactical applications, but having shitters immediately go for the barrel for years has really put me off it overall.

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Once i was in Normandy, we had 2 Jumbos side by side, and in like 10 seconds one puma destroyed barrels of both our tanks, idk how did he did it tbh.

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They deserved it because even as dogshit as M72 is, it would still have destroyed the Puma lmao

Nevermind them just sitting there and taking it, braindead animals

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now do it when he’s in the grey zone

fkn allies players man

We were on the move, and it just happend, it wast some camping, lol.

AlLiEs mAiN for fuck sake shut up

I can’t bare anymore this stupid thing of main allies and main Germany

This toxicity is ridiculous, if you want something to fight on find at least an argoument.


its a joke not a dick you don’t have to take it so hard

If it was I apologize, but it’s hard to distinguish joke to actually ppl that barindead comment in some section of the community.

Fair enough, I understand, I apologise as wel since I can come across in ways i dont always mean to, yeah it is kind of hard to distinguish jokes from actual stupidity at this point. I play allies and axis tbh there isn’t a difference in player skill its all just memes


lol good kill. I hope he learned his lesson there.

Is fun even wen a pz3 player start camping in the grey zone in ver sur mer spamming he sheel on the beach
Grey zone Camping is do by all faction not only one


its versurmer just shoot it back…

I meant that they were bad, not that only allies grey zone camp but that wasn’t clear tbh

In Moscow, there is no such toxicity. There are fascists pigs and sons of the Motherland, coexisting (fighting to death) in perfect harmony.
Save yourself some headache,
Come protect the Motherland,
Avoid jumbo ameriboos and panther elitists,
Join Moscow™ (or off to gulag you go)


:thinking: nope i choice the krauts they have better uniforms

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Blyat!.. off to gulag you go!

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