Avatar drawing contest!

i see you are stopping at the first sentence and not going through.

well done i suppose.

you know everyone else will think differently, right?

nice argument.

why don’t you back that up with a source.

probably you:

1 message is spamming?

son. what are you talking about.

are you alright?

is it overload of one too many message?

i hope you have not become ai your self.


My reaction to this topic (and your last one):


[My reaction]

Thank you, I understand you, instead of communicating on the topic, you continue to spam with insults on the neural network. When you are ready to discuss the topic, I will pay attention to you again.

You want to give gold to bot squads? Seems like a waste to give ai any gold.

Not certain they even have accounts to begin with.

(Sarcasm. Ppl using ai should not get rewards. Also, your pictures are warped and cursed. A bit like when we have nightmares and stuff don’t make sense.)


In this case, upload your images and stop attacking the neural ones.

Dude, I used to make unhistorical camouflaged skins for planes in old IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 game and shared them on a forum.

As much as some people liked them, in most cases all the “skill” I needed was to find a proper blank PNG template for the plane (made by someone else) and ctrl-C ctrl-V a serie of camouflage templates (made by someone else) found on Google images.

Never did I even THINK of unironically considering myself as skilled as users who made historically accurate skins by curing every single pixel after painstakingly checking multiple historical sources.


Since you insisted


Ai, isn’t “neural”.

“Neural” or neurons, are exclusively in the brain. In artist brains.

And I defend artists :wink:

Just not lazy cursed auto generated attempts at imitating art.


giphy (2)

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SW- Roger Roger I



Counter idea!

An avatar contest where ARTISTS could post their very own art. The winner would receive gold and his avatar could be usable by others.

However, like many other game companies who launched such contests: AI GENERATED ART IMITATION WOULD BE DISQUALIFIED



I really want to block Open AI on the firewall at work. Watching so many people use it for work, study, arts.

Literally watching everyone grow dumber.

PS…Open AI is cool!!! but yeah…


It’s still better to use AI to create art instead of consuminging drugs for the same effect, lmao.

And why was it said? Did I call myself an artist? Yes, I press the button and get a result that took a real artist years to achieve. So what? The result is important.

Nah, you just create this topic only for the one reason. You love your ai generated stuff so much you literally created several topic about it.
And now you hope you will be rewarded with some in game stuff for clicking one button over and over again.

Literally nobody cares that much about some ingame avatar, it’s completely irrelevant thing.

Your obvious hypocrisy is kinda annoying ngl.

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You made a post about a drawing competition, and you want to include AI generated images. You can’t even copyright them because they are not your idea lmao.


Try participating in a bicycle race with a motorbike and see if they give you a medal if you finish first.

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If I can use AI for an art contest (with human artists), I can also use google search right?

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At this point, I’m convinced that OP totally didn’t cheat at school exams, ever.