Assault Engineers Need SMG Access!

this hyped up squads value goes down hard for new players, since 6 engis with bolties are worse than a normal engi squad (with radioman and possible other specialists).

from their perspective, they see a present to old high br players while they are getting shafted, so they need to get the ability to equip SMGs.

in this moment, the game needs to do everything it can to attract new players and this is an obvious auto-include in the long list of necessary improvements towards making enlisted viable for growth.


If this were to be added we need to put a restriction on it so it doesn’t go to low BR and it just stays in BR4 or possibly 5

they are ok for BR5 full auto spam. i dont want to pollute engineer play on low BR with smg.


What a horrific idea. They definitely shouldn’t get smg option.


I’d like that.

I’m not interested in a Fedorov using squad. Because I just hate that cheesy eye rolling gun. I’d give it classic smgs :thinking:. Could also be used low br.

The half solution is to release low BR ARs for next battle pass; give players the option of using some Mkb35 esque firepower



I was thinking some time ago about making a suggestion to transform the assault engineers into a new class of engineers for high levels with new more powerful structures to better deal with the threats of BR5 and armed with SMGs leaving the assault rifles as event or premium squads

unfortunately the current situation does not encourage me to spend hours writing a post that will end up forgotten after 24 hours…

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Well. The issue is that some nations dont even own ARs (yet) and that newbies cant use them unless they want to instantly get BR4+ enemies


The last event was purely about BR5 squads. I really don’t see why we should limit every event from now to being “newbie friendly”. Especially when the game isn’t fully released on Steam anyway.

People always use the “for newbies it’s going to be like…” arguments just ro push their own agenda.

And imagine how toxic it would be once those squads would be non obtainable.
It doesn’t matter on BR5 that much (since basically every soldier can have full auto weapon there). But 6 full auto engineers would be clearly a must have meta squad on BR2.


Engineers build things.
Assaulters have SMGs to assault objectives.

Simple as that. That’s why classes exist god damn it.
Otherwise give me my paradropped tankers (paradropped tank is optional).

Also this squad will be simply too powerfull. 6 engineers with 6 SMGs is completelly absurd vs counterparts on BR1-3.



Imagine an engineering squad with more SMG firepower than an assault squad lol


Agreed, I am disappointed I can’t equip my Russian or German Assault Engineers with PPShs :(.


Yeah it would prevent new players from being forced to play BR5

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Include SMGs and everyone can use them.

You mean like Medics?

If you know a thing or two, you can turn Assaulters squads from SG and Pacific into 6 auto men squads with medic and gunner and still have place for engineer or bomber irc.

Applies to all event squads, especially paras and that Bren Carrier.
I think people would rather complain about lack of paras than about SMG engineers.


Other solution: remove one or two engineers and put normal bomber, radio, sniper whatever into the squad who can only equip rifles and such and still allow SMGs.

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You can do exactly the same with US + Soviet paratroopers and yet i don’t see you complaining about it. I guess you want Germans to be completely underpowered and unplayable at BR1-2.

Excuse of having just single eng won’t work since you will never be able to use more than two engineers anyway during lifetime of the squad. Plus you can drop anywhere so half of your squad won’t be instantly wiped out.

image x2


Watch this :slight_smile:

Maybe if devs find a way to restrict selection to BR 4-5 SMGs, or a way to keep the squad itself at BR 4-5, then yes to SMGs.
Otherwise, no.

I didn’t know medics are engineers which can build rally point in sec. :man_shrugging:

:joy::joy: yeah, one engineer. So what? That’s kinda the point of what I have said.
(Btw. I was the one who literally argued that paras should lost engineer option)

It’s extreme difference having 6 engineers with full auto or just 6 full auto guys without any engineer capabilities.

I guess you just want OP shtts on BR2 which can in few weeks nobody else can get.

Seal clubbers revealed themselves yet again.

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