At this point they can add a RPG2 and AK 47/AKMs with the context of “prototype” as standarized weapon of the USSR lmao
While the US keeps getting more tommy and German get another StG reskin
At this point they can add a RPG2 and AK 47/AKMs with the context of “prototype” as standarized weapon of the USSR lmao
While the US keeps getting more tommy and German get another StG reskin
even the amount of tommy guns in here is too much and should be reduced imo
It’s becoming like Israel tech tree in Warthunder where a whole line is just magath tanks like I said devs try to avoid this and add more variety by adding these experimental weapons
yeah eventually its the devs decision to put AS to premium squad, but soviets never possessed this assault rifle on larger scale in WW2 therefore AT LEAST it should not appear anymore as F2P campaign reward or gold order usable by any assaulter
as you said people play axis for reason, they want something that is genuine to each faction, STG is good example, once devs cross this line they will ruin the overall faction gun feel in favor of glorious soviet army that possess everything from Mauser C96 and Panzerfaust available to everyone , to early AK-47
i want to play soviets for their AVS , ppsh mosin PPD guns just as i want to play axis for MP, Kar98, Carcano, Beretta etc.
lets dont mix it cause it will become goulash nobody wants
if everyone wants this future guns to play, they should try other game instead, not eveyrthing can be put into WW2 genre or devs should add korean war campaign or something else where this would be
Well. WW2 (genre) included captured gear.
not gear from 1946 or better said post war gear
While i do think the as-44 (AK-47 in ww 2) is lame, the door is open. i find prototypes interesting. I would just prefer if they didnt make them better than things that were actually used. Kronstadt anyone???
Having said that…lots more interesting stuff can be added now…more to italy please
I just think there should be clear inadequicies on prototypes, so you could use them if you wanted, but not superior, equal to the main choices. Whether that be bad recoil, bad dispersion or jamming/malfunctions.
What I love about this game is that it has so much content and ranges from the famous, well known, and mass produced, to the rare, prototype, and experimental. I think it’s fine to have the AS-44 and I always welcome all the different kinds of things we can get
I would want them to add the RPG-1 or whatever it was called.
I don’t mind getting more variants and derivatives of weapons. The more weapons the better. For example there was a suppressed Thompson and Stg and I’m sure eventually they will be added.
Now of coarse some make the argument that the weapons should have attachments but I feel we’ve went too far down the rabbit hole after all this time so the variant system is basically set in stone. I’m fine with it
I mean pacific is a small campaing I dont think it is that bad, the japanese did lots of crazy stuff in ww2
I know:
You misunderstood. I said the addition of the as44 won’t do much BALANCE WISE… Because magically over boosted Fedorov is here, and way better than as44 already. So even if as44 is added… Soviets already got better. As44 won’t change anything.
Yay, Maus, IS-3, M16 for Berlin
Jesus the maus would get stuck instantly on spawning and block the whole street lol
spawns mous
Spawns few more
Makes them stuck on point
Burns them
Enemy can’t cap
Indeed - you should at least get a good meal…
Well, from what I see ppl are not really opposed to adding AS-44 but to the fact it will be a progresion weapon.
Personally I don’t mind weird stuff as long as it remains locked behind premium, gold orders, events (that’s the point of those things imo) . But a weapon that basically didn’t exist being avalable for every soldier (minus class restrictions) is a bit too much.
and thats the funniest bit od them all, how can be fedorov or AVT-40 be overall better than AS-44 ? maybe in some situations but it cant be overall better than assault rifle thats ridiculous, its the same as somebody would prefer fedorov to Ak-47, thats my point
guns that have no chance to be better than AR performes better than they should and its on purpose for better balance
thats what i dont like… and adding AR for free to soviets would only determine the path of the devs to give soviet anything for entertainment just to keep playing… even when it would look totally ridiculous
Idk man but ww2 game should only include guns and stuff that was there and used, any post war prototypes or guns should not be in this game
but in another campaign
I dont disagree with that. Part of me hates prototypes being added and being meta. (Or notoriously shit weapons/equipment being godlike)
The other part of me finds it interesting and cool to be able to use…and since they are doing it anyway…ill look at it through the eyes of the latter.