This is doing more damage than good So what is the point.
It’s not really doing anything tbh… Because the Fedorov is better with it’s boosted stats. As44 is merely a stg44 reskin, it’s almost identical, so…
Nothing special, really. Use it if you like it’s looks.
(Ppsh41 ftw for me).
Could they maybe ask the community instead of adding things with no reason at all
That’s not the point for all the historical accuracy lunatics in this forum this is just throwing all logic out the window
“Let’s add fantasy weapon because we already have a fantasy weapon” will only cause a snowball effect.
Though I guess it’s already too late to stop it.
Pandora’s box is now open they’ll probably listen to us but I doubt they will
I would rather have interesting content than boring historical game.
AS-44 is definitely better option than to milk completely irrelevant minor nations like France, Poland, Finland etc.
One gun vs like 30
If you want that insanity go to Call of Duty this is a World War 2 game Not some fantasy insanity which is cod.
It’s really stupid.
a) the whole concept of “faction A must have a counter for every weapon of faction B” is stupid.
Just don’t add stuff that doesn’t have a normal/historical/mass-produced counter.
(e.g. T-34 can’t be countered by anything other than Pz IV F2 in Moscow? just don’t add T-34 to Moscow)
b) the big merge was coming soon. The USSR didn’t need something alongside STG released right now.
Just wait till the merge, add the STG, and let it only appear in Normandy or whatever if the USSR doesn’t have a 1:1 counter.
c) paper guns are just stupid. It’s not “interesting”, not “cool”, it’s stupid. Lots of people including me switched to Enlisted from BFV because there was too much BS in BFV. Now there’s less and less reasons to not just switch back.
After the merge Berlin BR will look like this: fantasy premium AS + fantasy progression AS + post-war RPD + post-war belt-fed DP… mmm nice
The Italian and Japanese factions are already using prototypes and ultra rare weapons as their main guns, the damage was already done im afraid.
And yet meanwhile for the Germans no fantasy weapons yet to be found sure maybe a few but nothing is special as the allies.
I don’t take sides here.
MKB-42 has no place in Moscow or Stalingrad, MG-42 or Pz IV F2 were never in Moscow, STG-45 and MG-45 from Berlin are basically fantasy as well.
Makes more sense than the Fedorov
I guess that’s true but we’ve yet to have a German weapon going past 100 rounds and condors do not count that’s gold order weapon
It’s why I stopped bothering tbh.
Once I knew all factions would get combined in 1, and with all premiums and gold weapons…
It is what it is.
I would say it’s a case of Stalinium.
Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go down without a fight.
Well. The time travel F2 and Mkbs would argue about that.
It’s a bit late for this. Enlisted has very clearly stated which direction it wishes to take, which is simple arcade fun, inspired by ww2 era.
I don’t mind it, when it’s clear. My favourite event was moon battle which reminded me of old multiplayer half life chaos.
Enlisted is fun, just got to accept, that the accuracy and realistic ship, has sailed.