Armory: New Shipment!

Being able to do as many levels per day and it’s only 5000 points? This is EXCELLENT! I hope to see more events follow this way of doing things, really glad to see you guys listening to feedback from the community.


Cool, but 24x5000÷8=15000
Players need to spend more time each day than before to get fewer rewards.
That’s not cool at all.


Huh? I don’t think so but ok.

For comparison :slight_smile:

A simple math problems: 24x5000÷8

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It’s good to see there is not limit the points you can earn every day, but 5000 is too much, 4000 is okey.


So if I read well, there’s no xp limit per day, am I correct?

If so… Then at last, this type of event is perfected, with reasonable goals, and most importantly much more leeway on having to play daily or not.


Edit: Both portraits look very sharp… lines look smoother? Did the artist change?


I do 5k or more per match usually and I’d rather prefer make 30/40k in one day than forced to play every single day till the end of the event for the rewards, so not a maths problem.


That depends of people, but yeah I agree with you, I would rather be able to do more a day than to be limited.

12 paratroopers and 12 top-level weapons, Considering that the event lasts for 25 days, you only need an average of 8640 points per day to receive the main reward. :thinking:

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What? xD That’s not how it works. You need 12k per day otherwise you’ll not complete the task. And you have to do it 18x.

With ± 8k per day you wouldn’t completed a single task.

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Judging by Germany’s SMG policy and the nature of WW2 documentation.
I find it highly likely that the first conversations were made far before the report.


This is brilliant, reasonable score, no burnout, forced grind every day, nice weapons and rewards, keep up the good work! :+1:


Play for 1 and a half hours per day for 8 days, or play for 16 hours within 8 days, it’s hard to say which one is better. Each player has their own unique schedule, I agree with the idea of canceling the daily limit, but I am not happy to see an increase in the total workload. Am I clear?


12 000×20÷5=48000 per one reward.
5 000×24÷6=20000 per reward.
(Considering you want all rewards)

Your math sucks.


He was talking about average point per day to get all the rewards I think.

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Previous events were 12-15k MINIMUM.
Meaning when 11/12k score, you play another battle and end up doing way more.

Now You can do this on weekend, and play few games during week, while not losing anything over 12k+ daily requirement.

Previous events sucked waay more, anything happens and You can’t play for few days and no reward. I even had one game after having 11/12k score in which i got another 12k score, so yeah, this is way better form of event

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That’s nonsense. Since in previous event it was just 12k or nothing per day.
His logic is completely false.

This event is literally better in every way. There’s not a single negative (maybe except for lack of golden order).


I prefer my germans…but lanchester better…hmmmmm


Yeah, it’s dilemma. Since I want all my 4 assaulters equipped with same weapon (cuz OCD or idk).

So I just pick MP-41 (r) 4x.

It’s sad there’s no option for 8 orders


I will Def pick the German one.

Even tho the 50 round allies one is a lovely weapon, I do have more h wasted on my Schultz side. The mp41r will fit perfectly around the Stalingrad German ppsh