Are you Pro Merge, Anti-Merge, or Neutral? (Let's review)

I figure there are alot more players per game. Vehicle and plane slots are hard to get.

And half the team camp the edges of the map in buildings lol


i am so pissed when i see enemies capturing the point and all my allies are outside the point not even trying to get in… at least bots tried no matter how bad they were.


better that people played then now people leaving game… 90% of the guys i played with have quit

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Haha after a week its so common to see a semi circle of blue dots surrounding a point, but wont actually stand in it.

Bomb Planting is the funniest…watching a bomb getting difused, but on the map its covered in blue dots watching…completely oblivious

Laugh or Cry

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These are the moments that I lose my mind. I’ll be trying to defuse a bomb and press tab to see two tanks and two aircraft on my team then look at the map and see the other half of my team well around the perimiter.

It is frustrating.


I think they have something to iron out but in the long run it will be good for the game

more content and theaters without regrinding (not having 6 or more campaigns)
easier to add new stuff mid-tech tree and better way to balance (BR)
shorter queueing times

I like it because of the potential not it’s current state. I think in the long run it will make the game better and we just need to give it some time in order for the major problems to be solved (balance)

so I would be pro-merge

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