Are you Pro Merge, Anti-Merge, or Neutral? (Let's review)

You must of missed the point about this being a casual game for casual players. It fit very nicely in a space between something like hell let loose and call of duty. The bots are there for the casual player after the feel of a large battle without being a super tactical hardcore milsim. As i keep saying it had it’s niche that attracted a lot people including myself. It had the right balance between a run and gun CoD game a tactical milsim hell let loose game. I can tell there was actually quite a lot of thought put into the development targeting a very specific experience that was in the middle of what you got with other games. The maps are just the right size for what its trying to do. I’m having a bit of trouble explaining my thoughts on the matter in detail, but i believe it was done in a great way for its targeted audience making it fun etc.

It really bugs me when people hate on the bots and things that make enlisted, enlisted. If you don’t like the bots or want to drastically change the core concept of what it was trying to accomplish the game wasn’t meant for you. There are quite a few options for ww2 shooters, this being the only one offering what it does, and it did it well.

As for end game. Are you enjoying it? I think its miserable.

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today i played like, 6 matches. out of all that 6 matches, i had fun with 5 of them ,the one is because my team are either filled with dumbass or the enemy are filled with not dumbass, or both.

overall, my experience after the merge are vastly improved compared to before merge. it helps that BR usually equate to skill level. it’s kinda funny to have a big tank just… roll around me and ignore my dinky tier 1 M5A1, presumably because the player is a bit too focused or something.

high BR will definitely be too sweaty for me though. i think i’ve had strangers and youtubers told me to just play low BR stuff when you want to have casual easy fun. and i think with enlisted BR system, i can have than fun.

edit: unrelated thing, but might as well since i’m too lazy to make a new topic. where is the button to strip all the reserve squad you have? didn’t they said they added that?

As it is now, I can’t use the gear i want because it’s a miserable experience for me. So I’m now stuck in low tier battles if i want to have any resemblance of the fun i had pre merge. Something needs to be done for a lot of players to stick around there and a point system is the best compromise I’ve heard or can think of. At the end of the day though people’s opinions are a reflection of what faction they play. Most people who like merge are low tier or nazi mains in end game. I haven’t talked to a single u.s. player who enjoys end game matches now.

Pro Merge but BR is trash

The real players in this game are not even as reliable as NPCs. When playing as the German faction at Battle Rating 5, your enemies cannot counter and only choose to play passively, camping at home and waiting for the game to end. This is too boring,

translation: i am so used using lategame/high tier weapons and vehicle to stomp on casul and less skilled players, i can’t handle it when i actually fight competent opponents with similar (or better) gear than me.

You can but admittely some combos ar enot possible anymore bet lets not pretend people used PPSh vs.
T26 was common. Which still sucks but compared to points it further helps to reduce unsavable stomps because people could still spawn Tigers against Stuarts. There are issues with Tier 3 but thats easily solvable with a third queue.
And for both cases, you would have customs anyway (which requires rework!)

You cannot come with tactics and then saying game is for casuals because 80% dont even build rallies.

Because you probably mostly played against bots and low level morons, which may be casual, but is not very fun.

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You clearly don’t understand the game at all nor are you listening. I said it holds a sweet spot in many different areas that make it fun. Pre merge and low tier, gives you the chance to operate in a “tactical” manner. Im speaking in relative terms here man. Like come on. You’re not listening. If you don’t think this game was meant for casual players then you really shouldn’t be here.

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It has nothing to do with beating on noobs. It’s that 10 v 10 toxic spam dying every 30 seconds, very little chance to flank, is not fun.

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It has essentially become CoD in end game. Which i just implied i didn’t buy into the game to play CoD. That’s not what attracted me, nor thousands of other players. This game was never meant to be esports. That’s not the feel I’m after in a game anymore. I’m older now and don’t like having to strain my eyeballs, having an elevated heart rate, feeling like I’m pumping adrenaline, using 100% of my focus, etc etc. All that crap belongs in a competitive game not a casual game.

If you say enlisted is competitive because the goal is to win you’re the biggest troll here.

It’s also quite annoying when people say just play custom. It’s such a terrible and trollish response. You get a fraction of exp, no one plays customs, and i shouldn’t have to put work in to get a good game. It’s not on the player. Bottom line is, if something isn’t done about end game matches in general and more so for u.s. faction I’ll be leaving the game. As i said earlier you can easily tell what faction players like by their responses. It’s obvious you play Germany which are the most toxic players and want everything in their favor 100% of the time.

(P.S. Quadro from YouTube also agrees with me that it’s not fun anymore and recommends ally players stay in low BR. Says germans are overpowered and they are the ones who think it’s fun)


what spent time? what resources? if you gave me a week or two i could have done this version of merge solo. ffs maybe it would be even better than this POS we got.

biggest part of the job was actually determining research cost, price of weapons/soldiers, weapon/vehicle place in the tech tree and associated squads with them. implementing tech tree is really easy.

conversion is rather easy cause they actually didnt do anything. they just converted bronze/silver orders to silver, moved all your owned squads to one place and all your reserve soldiers to another and calculated how much you spent on customization so they can reimburse you.

and then there is MM which needed to be rewritten for new system. and it was done with bare minimum of care cause it doesnt take into account stacks so you can actually get 10vs15 matches right now (btw bug that they fixed 6 months ago).

there is also new soldier/perk system, which is just basically making new UI and editing old system.

i would need a week or two to implement all of this and you would get same buggy mess we currently have cause f feedback.

you dont understand what bots people actually hate. when you have human player in charge of bot squad, that is ok. but when you have bot in charge of bot squad that is the bot that people hate. in old tunisia allies had 2 human players per 1 axis human player, so in average match you could get 10 human allies players and 5 human axis and 5 bot axis. those axis players in 95% of the matches will lose really hard and it makes game shit experience for those 5 human players that are stuck with bots. and even makes game shit experience for those few human players in allies who dont want one sided battles.

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It amuses me that people think the great plan of Enlisted was to have unbalanced matches where one side is filled with players and the other side with bots and a bunch of plebs and self-harmers because that concept gurantees economic failure.
Because not many people want to play predictable matches all the time; especially if the game sucks in other regards anyways.

The joke of bots were that you/ humans lead AI squads…
Not that they replace entire teams of players because no one wants to play your shitty game or people suck so hard that they accusse bots of cheating.

CoD is way more demanding than old Enlisted because there you hardly face braindead bots.

Not according to stats.

Stop saying this game has any milsim because it is not.

Pfff Yeah. Spawmcamping is really nice.

We hate the bots because they dont work and we dont want to keep getting the mm filled with them because no balanced and big playerpool.
We are not like you, who are too afraid to get a bloody nose and call building rallies tactical.

Well, then why did it bleed players?
Because well should mean players I guess.

Im facing actual players rn so yes.


This game is clearly not for you nuff said

Because I want to play not only against bots or only have bots only as teammates?
Yeah, really too much to ask for. Sadly, PC plebs cant hide with crossplay off.

Tbh I feel like I still play with/against bots.
And I don’t mean that players are bad or smth, they just behave like bots.

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At least it feels a bit different. Humans can learn, Enlisted AI is… special (also players can spawn tanks I can blow up)


Can =/= will

LOL! Are you really implying PC doesn’t have every advantage over console players?

i am pro merge, and it has felt weird playing br2 axis and having bot like enemies.

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Yes because sadly, PC people cannot use off feature of cross pplay and play against bots and even dumber players only, which means they will never face true goal of this game.