Are you also a bit particular? 🧐

Do you also like to use separate knives, swords, axe, binoculars, ammo/grenade pouches, backpacks, AP/AT mine, flasks, binoculars, grenades, med packs and toolkits on your American and British soldiers? Was just wondering whether it is just me or are there others as well. (P.S. I didn’t include the Germans and Italians because I didn’t grind the Axis in Tunisia pre-merge.)


I do! I like to be immersed. If I choose to play as a British unit I want to feel like an actual soldier of the British Empire, not discount America lackey

I believe there are various things that should be done to make Britain and Italy stand out more.



Both German/Italians, and united staters/ Commonwealth.

Is it useful in game? Not in the slightest. But, I truly love my Commonwealth and Italian PURE lineups. I’m very hyped with the upcoming feature allowing to switch soldier nationality. I’m lacking boots to fill other battle rating presets

HOWEVER. I pushed it further.
I only use legacy squads that were already Italian or commonwealth (or premiums) to put Commonwealth or Italian men, in.

For example, the “Big red one” squad you use, is typically United Stater. I will never fill it with Commonwealth troops (But I do use it in my pure United Stater lineup.)


Nice. I do the same as well. I have this legacy British rifleman squad from Tunisia which I only fill with British troops. I did face a problem in getting perfectly rolled British riflemen since you can’t buy them. But fortunately I had more or less enough of them in my leftover British squads pre-merge.

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part of my Pure Italian only lineup. NO GERMAN EQUIPMENT ALLOWED:


OH DEAR. My pilots in the bomber planes have lugers!!! time to buy some beretta pistols


I disagree with this because I just feel it’s going to be jumbled mess. Americans in British squads. German divisions fully stocked with Italians. American squads with British accents.

Maybe I’m wrong and it’ll be refined. Ideally each soldier should be “blank” and when you put it in a squad it becomes whichever country it’s supposed to

It should be that we have every Squad type and soldier class for all factions.

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Nice! :heart::fire:

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Do you get to choose actual Italian customization for your Italian premium squads outside Tunisia?

no, sadly

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I’ve noticed something interesting as well.

When I play my pure Italian lineup at br2, I play in Tunisia more often, than when I play my German br2 lineup (who ends up more in Moscow

I do not know if there’s some hidden soft rule here, or just dumb luck, but it’s quite neat!


Damn! This feels so bad. I get that they can’t give us the Saharanian uniforms outside Tunisia. But what about that dark green/blue uniform or that sky blue uniform? That can be ported quite easily. This is just lazy on their part.

Very nice indeed.


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Splendid! I am happy to see that atleast the Italian Marines from Tobruk can keep their identity intact on other fronts. Lol.

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Be wary when you see those in blue uniforms, or Morocan warriors in robes in Normandy.

Those are never AI, always players controlled and those who spent to use riflemen only squads
 KNOW how to aim! very deadly :smile:

(they’re mere riflemen, but the premiums I use THE MOST in all Enlisted)

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I have tried to clothe my British lads as appropriately as possible.


Real Brits haughty and condescending Chads, would never use those abominations, but King approved Lee Enfields!

(uniforms are really spot on thought! :smile:)

Note: you have Gigolow with a bazooka in the back. ( :-1: :point_up_2: :yawning_face: ) eheheheh


I know mate. The fact is that I love to play BR V quite a lot. Really waiting for some nice BR V additions for the Brits. The 100 round Bren is a start. I hope they also add the Rieder Automatic Rifle at some time. Then we will have a SF Rifle for the Brits as well.

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Sadly i don’t have the enough equipment unlocked, also i’m trapped to be playing with the metagame weapons for each br per nation, i would like to play with a historically accurate loadout but i want to grind Germany and beggin to play with the rest of factions
: '(

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