APCs are unbalanced and gamebreaking

To be honest, if tanks get to hang out in grey zone safe spaces, I think we can allow some grace to the APC. Half the time if I try and park my APC close to the battle field it gets destroyed on the way in. So, restricting APC’s is fine by me if we can stop giving tanks safe spaces. :rofl:

I love apcs.

One of the most fun and useful classes. Also fun to blow up (xp pinata)

Eagerly awaiting more

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This is ww2.

It’s famous for the phasing out of cavalry and introduction of…

Mechanized infantry.

Apcs are simply iconic for ww2, and indeed, really fun to use. (Even if I explode sooo often with them :sweat_smile:)


problem is that this is absolute value from center of cap and doesnt take into account cap size.

here is example on how it can be right next to cap:

rally point not buildable on 79m

rally point buildable on 80m

apc on 50m

soldier in cap

here is difference between RP and APC



can vouch 10 m trucks were definitely a thing.

Edit. what Robihr said.
you were able to spawn inside the cap.

they aren’t really op as the delay of spawn makes it enough that anyone can chuck an explosives etc.

perhaps, the only issue with it, is that AT weapons are inconsistent against them.
but beside that, i think they are mostly fine.


as already explained here, it wasnt a bug, but bad coding. since their distance was calculated by distance of APC to center of objective.
—> the bigger the objective, the closer you can park the APC to it, sometimes even on it.

this is something that needs to be obvious to any competent person when designing the distance calculation, which wasnt the case.
now, instead of coming with an acceptable solution for a rare problem, the APCs got fucked for the vast majority of objectives.

i wont waste my time explaining to DF which problems this creates, but one of those is that before the nerf people could build rallies further away, and place the APCs closer. this way all spawns were separated well enough to not be taken out by explosions/line of fire of tanks. now this becomes a severe issue in situation where weaker teams are already behind, since their grey zones are getting penetrated.

this nerf is as stupid as the original cause of the problem.

I know. This is why it was changed from 30m to 50m, but regardless still proves that APC’s 10m from objective are impossible

this is rally 1m from objective…

the objective location is in the middle:p

I like 30 meters very much
Because he can better invade the enemy

objective location is whole cap :stuck_out_tongue:

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Actually you are at almost 50m from the objective center who is the village center, the conquest area of thath point is to big

i know that i am 50m from objective center. we are talking about spawning right next to cap, not next to objective center.

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But the distance the APC take in account is from the center, it don’t take in account the edge


If we want complain we should ask the distance being counted from the edge not from the center

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it should be variable and not constant
e.g. spawndistance=capsize+30m




This is a good mechanism
To prevent players from having to walk a longer distance to reach the base
That’s what spawn points are for

Ive seen people spawn on them in the middle of the damn capzone
The whole spawn block on them is just broken
Anytime I’m trying to kill one, people just keep respawning, despite it literally taking damage and me being right next to it.
They do not really die to anything other than detpacks ot TNT, which is riddiculous. A Panzerfaust 100 would leave unarmored truck completely useless.
They do not stop spawning people despite being unable to be driven anymore due to destroyed engine/transmission/wheels/tracks (how exactly is the APC supposed to “bring new people in” after its engine block has been turned into confetti by aforementioned Panzerfaust 100?)

Ah, so that’s why more and more maps are outright unplayable for attackers, sweet