Anti-kamikaze system not about damage but time in the air

Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes of update (26 August):

I understand the need for some kamikaze protection but I doubt ‘damage’ is the way to go.

If I make several succesful attacks with my plane, without taking any damage myself, and I then crash by mistake after 15 minutes of flying (hitting a tree, building, bridge, slam into ground…it happens!), the system will still take me for a kamikaze.
That just isnt right.

How about making the anti-kamikaze system look at the time I have been flying since spawn?

If you spawn with intent to do kamikaze, you will crash within 30 seconds (this time is just an example) and will be punished.
If I have already been flying longer than 30 seconds with my plane, I wont be seen as a kamikaze if I should crash by mistake.

(could be 60 seconds to prevent suicider circling around a bit before kamikaze)

Basically, this system already exists in the game, if you crash a new spawned plane immidiately, there is a 30 seconds delay for spawning another plane.
Simply change that into not being able to spawn a plane at all.


Well yes it can work, but 30s is to short, I say you need fly one minute before crash the plane or suicide yourself from the menu for avoid the punishment


Great minds think alike :laughing:

Another big reason for the system not to look at damage: when I am on the ground, I always shoot at every low flying plane.
Especially suiciders are easy to hit before they crash.
The suicider will then be able to spawn another plane immidiately because he had damage before kamikaze…

How about a “hybrid”?
If you are in the air for x seconds, kamikadze lock doesn’t apply.

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Yes that is my suggestion

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Just shift from damage to critical damage here we go, they still take the punishment

Then it’s still too early for me to understand things :laughing:

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seems like anti kamikaze system doesnt apply if you suicide through menu or jump and suicide by falling… this also needs to be fixed.


Mistakes happen but…i dont think its a big deal to miss out on a spawn for pilot error. Makes you pay more attention :stuck_out_tongue:

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just play one round as infantry or tank. you dont need to hog plane for the whole match.


Don’t necessarily love the change, but it will at least slow down the issue.

May see a lot more of this though on the kill feed though.

Propilot killed himself
Propilot killed himself
Propilot killed himself

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yeah but at least those guys still have to aim the bomb properly (I mean its not a big consolation)…really only stops the guys that drop as they hit

its something :man_shrugging:


No doubt. And my bad. Did not mean to reply to your comment directly. Just wanted to post on the thread.

But hey that could be the fix. If death occurs after X amount of seconds upon releasing bombs. Punished. Would be a lot more forgiving to pilot error.

For suicide bomber it’s gotta be less than 2 seconds.

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Let’s do in this way

  • If your pilot die in the plane or outside the plane without having fly with it for one minute or the plane get critically damaged, you get one minute of Time penality before you can spawn another plane

For tank instead

  • After you die using a tank crew in or outside the tank, you need play another squad before be able to use another tank crew (tank crew=tank)

The time could work as well. But I do know some tank mains that would really dislike being forced to play an infantry squad in between. May not have a choice though with these new AI tankers.

Can you imagine trying tank main only to have a slot taken by a bot? This forum may get blown up with complaints. Guess we will see how this new AI functions.

I honestly dont know how you crash without intent in this game, unless of course you are a new pilot or are trying out a vehicle.

Also even AI does shoot at planes, so even most kamikaze runs wouldn’t even punish you, but doing it repeatedly will. Its already a nice compromise.

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AI use tanks if no players take it in a tot amount of time, also AI self destruct it pretty quickly if goes on fire, stuck or it can’t get kill, so mostly or always tanker will be player

Ah. Did not see any details in the patch notes. :+1:

Is from user testing and helper clarification not in patches notes

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Sounds like an awful lot of new wrecks cluttering the maps.