Anti-kamikaze system not about damage but time in the air

Isn’t different from how should be in some map, I guess, still bot should be teached to don’t use tanks for capture in door caps for avoid ticket loss

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I don’t think bot squads use tickets. But still it would be a helpful feature.

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They do it

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Things happen. Ever tried to shake a bogey but pulled a maneuver too close to the ground? Or maybe just pulled up too late and clipped a tree? Ever experience lag?

So without trying to kamikaze, there will certainly be times when even veteran pilots will be punished.

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When will you try to shake somebody off without at least getting hit once tho?

The lag argument is a good one though… I’ll give you that…

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I mean, your only punishment is that you can’t cycle planes. So unless that was your goal from the beggining, you loose nothing.

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I rather hope that bots don’t use tank on infantry maps.

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So all maps? (joke)

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Yeah… well… there are some maps where playing as a tank makes no sense.

I just hope this change doesn’t mean even less units playing the objective…

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Not necessarily. If I crash by mistake while trying to evade, I may lose the immediate opportunity to go after the opponent.

Not the end of the world though.

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Personally I’d say it’s an overall benefit for the game.
Yes, it sucks that you can’t get a revenge. But it also sucks when the guy you’ve killed now kills you by spawning behind you. So imo it’s all very fuzzy.
Just my opinion.

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That’s a great point and have to completely agree. I am absolutely guilty of this. Here’s to hoping we see airfields one day :beers:


if we had airfields, suicide spam cycling wouldnt be a problem…


Or if the distance of the air spawn from the battlefield was significantly increased. Maybe 2 to 3 times the current distance. Then there wouldn’t even have to be that artificial delay in the plane’s spawn at start of the match.

However, the distance of the resupply point should not change.

It is that easy.


grey zone for planes starts at around 5000-6000m from cap and now you have air spawns ~3000m. they would need to redesign plane grey zone for all maps for this to be viable.

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I’d say you have to be in the air for 5 minutes before it counts it as not a kamikaze. That way it’s highly disadvantageous to try and circumvent, and most pilots are up there for longer anyways unless they get shot down

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5 minutes is ± 1/3 length of average match. I think 2 minutes is more than enough.

It usually takes a little less than minute to get above the battlezone from air spawn.

okay, and? youve spent plenty of time in the air, take an infantry squad. Or go play Warthunder if you want 100% plane gameplay

Both time and damage should be taken in consideration.

I love to shoot kamikaze plane when they get close to the ground. Free exp.

May I also propose another idea:

This has been already suggested several times already.