Answering Your Questions!

man why does every post turn into HA post that seem pretty weird ngl (this is not serious btw)

This is nonsense. Tanks that sit in the greyzone are invulnerable to attack. This is why it’s a problem. It’s an exploit, and nothing to do with the receiving side.

The easy fix is to make shots fired from the greyzone not count (whether it be no kill or no xp for the kill, as someone earlier mentioned). And if you leave the greyzone, you can’t retreat back into it.

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Sorry. Now I understand your point better. I was talking more about how BR III can fight on all maps and I think that’s fine. I also think if a team is mostly BR III and a few BR V end up in Stalingrad as a result it’s NBD. But I honestly never see that.

certainly answers that i would expect to some extent.

sort of glad the modders weren’t neglected for at least an answer, as in all honesty, i didn’t expected to be addressed at all. so kudo for that i guess.

however, deeply sadden and disappointed by the:

because that’s like, the " new home " for people that have finished the grind.
the bread and butter for clans since they have mostly grinded everything and don’t have much else to do.

because customs in it’s sad current buggy state, of which mostly are the servers unable to handle mod, and not even vanilla gamemodes.

especially since, veterans that’s all there is left for them to do.

play through customs with their squad.
yet, it cannot be done without having several issues of server performances.

which ultimately for veterans there isn’t much to do, other than turn off the game, and play other games until a new shiny toy gets added and the cycle repeats.

all more egregious after the promised equipment selector which there has been no mention since keofox mentioned during the " hype train " of the merge.
or how customs were implemented, several developers coming forwards saying things like " in the next month, we’ll be more present and work closely with modders and yada yada yada ". so… that was all lies. and now, customs being discontinued essentially. wow…

not pithcing it against anyone, but seriously have been overlooked, and sort of a big effe-off to creators and modders them selves with all the time spend, and trilions of limitations applied on their mod.

other thing that i didn’t liked, no mention of those XP points being converted to silvers.
are those forced? can the player decide?
how does it work.

but we can brush it off as non essential / bias.
for the rest, everything else sounds more or less good.

guess i’ll be looking forward to the rework of riders, one of my favorite class.
i just hope they won’t lose the bike. and the customization improvements alongside voices changes for soldiers.

and i really hope on those PVEs.
but, time will tell.

as a side note, few things of giving feedbacks:

  • regarding the colorblind mode,

it would be interesting to let players decide which color to give to markers, enemies, squad marks, teammates marks, V mark, member being selected for personal order, score, HUD, compass, Map shadow etc
so that, they can choose colors that they feel comfortable with and generally give some customizable option for those who wishes different colors.

  • mines counter
    personally, i don’t think mines are that big of a problem.
    however, the engineer defusing mines does sounds interesting.
    so, sure, why not give it a try

feels a bit dishonest not to include the reasons why.

such as, the core system of customization working on squads rather than campaigns. which ultimately divides up in further presets. of which, are old, and therefore, hard to change.
no shame in admitting the truth.

but then again, use the HA exscuses on cosmetic, but then, just like others rightullfy points out, is it really that different seeing someone in a pea dot, or m43 tunics over moscow? ( which mind you, that does already happen and it’s both anachronistic as non historical ).

so, it doesn’t really hold up that exscuse of " muh immersion " / " historical reasons " when the game is not historical in any way shape or form beside names and models along side few maps.
if anything, the customization should be expanded and dived into presents.

regarding the customization, i think you guys are once again missing the point. i don’t think prices are that much of a problem if it wasn’t that you have to rebuy the whole items for different campaigns despite being the same.

it would be more preferable if the prices remains the same, or gets doubled, as long you actually buy that whole item for the whole nation. so that you can wear it across all squads that you need / want.

but that would require a separation of how cosmetics currently works so… not sure that’s actually gonna happen.
because again, making presets would mean rework half of the customization FOR EACH AND SINGULAR INDIVIDUAL SQUADS. ( something like 150+ squads ).

so we can sort of understand why customization wont radically change as it would require probably 4 years of work.
but then begs the question, why has the customization being implementd within squads rather than outside.

it’s like a problem that developers them selves putted in a situation where it bited them back.

but still.

maybe we’ll have to see with customization being half the price what is going to happen.

again, we’ll see.


Then what about Panther Ersatz M10 at Stalingrad or Tiger 2 at Rzhev?

Why care about basic WW2 history only in select cases?

For clarification: I like the uniforms division by eras.

Maps should be strictly divided by eras too, to an extent that is possible.


I can’t see the difference between shades of green, red and yellow, and the tank reticle is exactly that.

The game should allow reticle colors customisation.

I still want to know: Is converting excess research to silver is mandatory and automatic?

There better be some freedom of choice.

I’m never going to take my Tiger 2 to Stalingrad.

And the game doesn’t let me opt out of this before the match is launched.

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oh it veekay havent seen him in a while (unless i have been reading the name wrong all this time)

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An excellent Q/A

Cant wait for the coming news regarding silver and the veterans box.

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TBH, huge let down. None of the more pressing concerns like vehicle cycling and team imbalance were truly addressed.
On the topic of penalty for desertion, again just lock the lineup like warthunder and force players to either wait or play another nation. I just don’t believe the dev will implement the other promised changes well. Remember warthunder only allows one map ban, and if enlisted does not allow me to ban both conquest and train escort, I don’t see how introducing penalty will have any positive effect on the game.


This Q&A didn’t help matters. Y’all just answer questions on small concerns with the game. I see yall are probably going to nerf the mess out of AP mines like you did AP nades. No answers on silver economy, no answers on future maps. No answers on vehicle cycling. Very unfortunate.

Coming from someone who has been with y’all from CBT days, you need to do better.


Many of the queries mentioned above, or specific questions about other topics, that will be answered anyway in approaching developer blogs, so if you don’t see your question addressed directly in the Q&A – don’t worry! We’ll answer it another time.

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Tech difficulties plus 9 man squad is kinda better to rush and cap point с:

I think it’s will be fine for 5 ppl in squads since engineers is kinda very universal in some terms.

There were some talks about internally, it’s all i can tell.

When we have proper info we will announce and collect players feedback, as usual.

Wait for proper announcement please.


Overall really like the road map.

Some remarks on the q&a:


Glad to hear.
But please consider giving AT gunners this ability to disarm. I don’t like the tendency to make engineers an answer to all problems. It’s a way too powerful and OP class atm.

I would also like to see a mandatory preparation animation (hold button X for 5 sec to plant, etc.) would reduce the ability to spam.

It should be the other way around.
Quitters pre-battle can be replaced. The most annoying part of deserters are those who leaves mid-battle.

Like ppl mentioned earlier, also a lot of unwanted problems will follow by a change like this.

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More needs to be changed. Tanks for sure definitely need some rework.
Desert camouflages on high tier vehicles or tanks that wont be fighting in Tunisia, or any desert map should not have a desert camo.

As well as adding the option to remove beards and change certain clothing:


I think the authorities have found a way to weaken landmines by adding bugs to them. Community Bug Reporting System

So, will all malicious bugs be fixed before logging into Steam? Because compared to others, players prefer to have a bug free game.

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There is no ideal game where all bugs is fixed. Devs preparing some fixes in very near future.

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I still believe every field squad should have an option to make a rally point.
What about making a new mechanic, like a special placeable item (with a cooldown for usage) to act as limited-use rally point?
This would help other squads like medics, maybe it could be added to sniper squads as well to act an ingame tutorial for rally points for new players?
Maybe even let BR I light vehicles have access to it as they have very little use right now, a simple truck is currently more useful.

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