Answering Your Questions!

The actual harm to victims of camping and airplanes comes from the laziness and incompetence of individuals or groups.
So there is no need to improve
This is just a ridiculous issue for a specific group to find excuses for their own failures.
They just want to selfishly desert instead of making choices and progress for victory.
If they can’t even prepare anti-tank methods and intercept aircraft, can they be called working for victory?
Why give up fighting back against something that will kill you?
Why are they playing PVP games if they can’t even try or learn interception and counterattacks?
Or they should look for games where no one is shooting explosives at them
Or examine why no one on our team is willing to try to fight these things that are killing them.

Certain groups will always protest against anything that can easily kill them instead of learning to confront and examine why they die
Including but not limited to D-day, attackers born on the beach, tank machine guns, and auxiliary equipment
There’s no need to make the game more boring because of these guys who can’t think.

in addition
I’m fed up with being able to see the enemy’s IS2 and friendly machine gun tanks at the same time in a level 5 environment (including but not limited to)
When will we punish those players who improperly use low-level equipment to poison friendly forces in high-level rooms?

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Nerf to AP mine? Some snowflake got hurt I’m guessing


Custom matches make up half of the game so they are important. I am 100% sure that adding rocket artillery wasnt easy but removing the stupid pop up would be. Also why promise equipment selector if you cant deliver it?


This seems like a terrible idea,you will likely have to wait 10+ minutes to leave a match (from enemy stacks,bad mode,bad map,veichle spam,ect.) Without being punished for getting a bad match,and this is especially true for Germany and Japan given the huge amount of vertans playing the US and the have seen here on the forum the vast majority of players are opposed to penalties for deserters.


Suggested this long time ago friend. To make a new active battle are border entity only from fighting in it you will get XP. DF just don’t care.


I very appropriate your approach to this problematic, thank you! Very reasonable. :purple_heart:


THIS is the way to go. I was afraid that you will make the grey zone itself even worse. Choosing to let players counter the distant enemies more easily with their combat efforts is the best solution.


Do this. Absolutely don’t reduce their blast radius.


So how much time is consider “enough time”? like until capture point 3 or 500 ticket left? is that consider “enough time”?

It’s the other way around, you dolts…

An early leaver (under 1 minute) can, and is, replaced by another player. Late leavers, aren’t!


Also, silence about loot boxes…


well i assume it to encourage people to stay longer just in case their team win a match but that just my guess

I find this to be a PERFECTLY acceptable compromise. Brilliant, actually. Still I didn’t see anything about fixing Italian Squads having the wrong uniform. I assume this is in the works?

I THINK I understand. Does this mean that nations like Japan, which only have ONE set of maps, will pay a “high” price and Germany/Italy, that has SIX sets of maps will pay a “low” price? Please do this soonest. Well, for me, I only care after Italian squads get Italian Uniforms.

May I recommend Medals? In game on the uniform might be hard, but that would be SOOOO cool. Also maybe medals that people can see in the end game statistics screen if your MVP soldier has them.

I agree. This is a GREAT Idea. I’d also like it for soldiers.

Again, I just want to throw out that nationality customization within a “Authentic” feel to it is nothing but a good thing. And please, please, please, fix the Italian squad unifrom issue.


Mabye they want a dedicated post as they might be a bit more complex to explain their tought procces.

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how 2 dislike?


Maybe it’s their way to address complaints like: “I joined a game in progress and first point is already lost”

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Wow, so there is care about summer uniforms from different years, but no respect for the historical weapons and vehicles on historical battlefields?
I would like to hear that “there is the time period to consider” when it comes to equipment in battles that ended mid-war and those that began in 1945 “and we don’t want to lose it”, and therefore, you finally decided to remove tiers 4 and 5 from Rzhev and Stalingrad.


I completely understand your frustration. But this is a GAME. In real life warfare is never fair. Fair is for losers. But this is a game. And they need to make it compelling to play every faction at every BR.

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I am not talking about a faction, I’m talking about maps

Sure, but right now they’re not enough players playing every BR to do this. Not unless you want LONG queue times.

WHAT? So… the waiting in queue depends on the MAP? You think it gets longer if the players go to Berlin instead of Stalingrad? What is your logic? Berlin maps are longer to load or what?