Answering Your Questions!

About desertion. I don’t know what kind of penalties will be implemented but I personally want this, ‘Every time I desert it will count as a defeat and will affect my win rate’.

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Nice way to put it. One problem is we don’t have the corresponding British and Italians squads for each soldier type in-game. Like we have British MG, Assaulter and AT squad for the Western Allies (I guess) but no Rifleman squad for them in the tech tree. Apart from those legacy squads which are available to players who grinded both the factions in the Battle of Tunisia pre-merge. So this way you will have your British riflemen but they will be a part of an American squad. That is quite sad and immersion breaking to say the least.


welp there we go all got wipe away clean

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Love to see it

I mean at least it should affect everyone equally bad.

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very awesome! but still ignoring the very annoying charging bug makes me feel i am the only one using this feature in this game. is everyone really ok with this very hindering bug?! i cant believe how it has been overlooked for over a year now!!! any useful replies to this please dont hesitate. my play time went to minimum because of that. i only play just to get the event prizes. it is not for fun anymore. it kinda feels like homework, hoping oneday it is fixed and then maybe i will start play for fun… thats very sad… my favorite game is no more favorite … sad… sad… sadddddddddddd… and mad!!!

It would be good if prior to implementing any of these things outlined in the Q&A, you actually polled your subscriber base, rather than allegedly going off forum feedback which is rarely representative of the broader playerbase.

I know Gaijin extensively polled its subscriber base prior to making significant changes to WT. These polls were delivered directly to their player base via email and you had to log into your account to participate. They were then able to report back with some certainty as to how much of the playerbase voted for one change or another.

I haven’t seen any such measures in Enlisted, but I would strongly encourage that this is done prior to making any changes. I think Enlisted is balanced on an edge, where the right decisions could see the game grow into something approximating the 70 million or so global WT subscribers, or dwindle into insignificance like some of the previous titles in this genre.

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Which is why I am against this “customization idea” the devs have. So what, I can have an American squad but I alternate every soldier between US and UK. Or an American squad with all Brits using American uniforms. Etc etc

The better and much less convoluted would be to add all Squad types and soldier classes for Britain and Italy in the Research Tree, which I advocate for


Yeah. I also made a post about this. Hopefully, they make some changes in this regard.

As CaptainSebekel said, there’s no such thing, and no one agreed to it.

Almost 3 years since I asked to be able to change UI colors btw

So nothing on why allies don’t have a Attacker III pilot squad huh and P47 locked on the legacy squad for us those who had it pre merge.

  1. This needs to be free and not cost appearance orders/silver or other BS.

  2. It would be much simpler to just add "select nationality (Ger/Ita) when purchasing a soldier.

  3. This is still not enough. I want to only use Italian squads with Italian uniforms in my Italian lineup. We need all types of squads (rifleman, assaulters, etc) for Italy and Britain.
    I don’t want British flamethrowers wearing American uniforms or something like that.

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I play consoles only and the aim and movement of others is beyond what would be theoretically possible with a controller. Jumping in in the air snap no look one shot kill on me type stuff?
Then you have the utterly unreal grenade launcher hits at their feet and doesn’t kill them or even knock them down.
Ive shot another player with the Thompson 50 3x in the chest and he flinched and killed me.

These are the things you need to fix with the game?

This is not all the time either, it is very inconsistent

Every PVP game is a competitive game.
CS and RB6 are dogshit games.

Yeah, enlisted is prime example of eSport game, lmao.

E sports is for posers that need the praise and attention of others.

A real “master” needs only one form of criticism - self reflection.

If you can compete in a game, it is competitive. That’s literally what the word means.

Well, that’s your definition.

Imo not every PvP is competetive.
For example long ago I was playing poker with my friends and at some point we bid a house of a book character (kamienica Łęcikej :upside_down_face:). I heavily doubt that game can be classified as competetive.

In case of competetive computer games, I’d say the main indicator is some kind of a ranking (not to confuse with score board) the game is build around. With ideas/values like fair play, equal chances, focus on skill and facing equally skillfull players.
In enlisted we do have ranks but they are a poorly implemented afterthought. Fair play and equal chances are generally absent and we mostly shoot at bots or total noobs so skill is not really a priority.

That’s why imo enlisted is not a competetive game even though you face other ppl. Because racing with an F1 car while you are on a bike, is not a competition.