Answering Your Questions!

So why are you playing a PvP, team based, game?

Because it’s fun? (At least under certain conditions.)
I thought that’s why ppl play games.


Thus proving you cannot read.

They already said, in this very thread, that they will address all of the other options to deal with this BEFORE they get to the desertion penalty.

I will also point out that there is no mechanic in the world that can make people play nations they don’t want to play.

I will also point out that most of the rest of your implied solutions are asking people to make subjective choices that agree with YOUR subjective choices. Which, is objectively impossible.

" In moral and political philosophy, the social contract is an idea, theory or model that usually, although not always, concerns the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual.[1] Conceptualized in the Age of Enlightenment, it is a core concept of constitutionalism, while not necessarily convened and written down in a constituent assembly and constitution."

What does the goverment has to do with this game? I already paid my taxes. Or DF? I already paid them for their service, so I guess it is time to expect something in return.

This isn’t really an answer. Lots of games are fun, that don’t require any sort of competition. So why are you playing a competition based game, without caring about winning or losing?

The purpose of Enlisted is to create battles between two sets of players set in a WW2 environment. Why would you play a game that has competition as a central focus and not care about competition? Do you just run around the map looking at flowers? Do you see how many sandbags you can build around the spawn point? I mean, if you are shooting other players and trying to take points you ARE trying to win. You just may not care if you win or not.

I would argue that if you aren’t giving an honest effort to win you are a toxic player. YOu are actively sabotaging the fun of the people who are forced to play with you because of the MM. If you are not giving an honest effort to win your matches you should quit Enlisted.

And I unequivocally think that people who don’t put forth a modicum of effort to win every match are toxic. They are self-centered trolls.

Fun… I played BFV, and I only had more fun in BF3/BF4. I did not care much for winning because of the game mechanics, mostly because I didn’t need ages to grind.
Enlisted… Enlisted does not make much fun gameplay-wise and grind-wise, the win bonus is similar to the waiter tiping in America.
This game is not R6S. Play R6S.

I don’t care if battle is won or lost as long as I had fun.

Enlisted is a casual shooter. You can’t demand from ppl to tryhard because you need to win.
Play more competetive games like R6S or CS for that. Enlisted is about shooting at dumb AI.


This is why you have to read beyond Wikipedia:

Social contract Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

it clearly delineates that a government isn’t necessary.

Social contract has a broader use and is often applied to any collection of people working cooperatively.

In this case I am applying a social contract to the basics of competition.

The social contract of a pick up flag football game is basically an agreement to not try and hurt each other, play by the rules of the game, and try and genuinely work with your teamates to win.

You have a social contract with everyone in a restaurant that you won’t try and eat other people’s food, that you won’t talk loudly, or start playing your table like a set of drums.

etc. etc.

“an actual or hypothetical agreement among the members of an organized society or between a community and its ruler that defines and limits the rights and duties of each”

A) Enlisted Community is not organized or united. Already starts by calling this bot shooter farm simulator competitive or not.
B) There is no Enlisted Community Ruler unless we count the devs and Ronald McDonalds.

Pretty sure that not killing each other is including in the normal rules anyways.

Whose entire point is competition. Again, I’m not saying you have to care if you when or lose, I’m saying you have to put forth honest effort. I am NOT saying you have to spend x hours a day improving your craft, or read or watch strategy guides. But I am saying that if you play the game and don’t at least TRY and win, you are toxic.

I know it’s off topic but imo this is hilarious.

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Ppl don’t care they destroy my fun so why should I care if they win?

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The game is an organized competition… By the very act of coming together and playing a game you are a temporary organization known as a “team”.

I think that’s the whole point of the desertion penalty. It’s to force people to care about the people they are playing with.

I also think that if your own Moral code is defined by the actions of others you don’t have a personal moral code at all.

Look man, this is mostly philosophical, really, I’m mostly having fun debating. That being said, I think people who constantly quit matches because their feelings are hurt are toxic players.

another off topic idea, soldiers that don’t have perfectly rolled perk points should be able to get a random perk point with every 5000 exp for example, after they have 5 stars, up to the class maximum

Love this idea

No. I just don’t respect ppl who don’t respect me. Quite simple really.
Also I don’t think you can make a moral code that doesn’t takie into account actions of other ppl. Unless you are a sociopath or something.

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You mean by ramdons? Yeah Sure. Gonna be fun to make the agreements.
“How should we use tanks?”
“Tanks suck”
“We should camp with them”
“Tank suck more”
“We should use them as taxis”
“We should use them to block entraces for attackers”
“We should support infantry very close”
“Ehh Yea… lets talk about planes…”
Yeah… gonna be fun to figure that “organization” out and make psychological agreements.

Any sort of psychological contract shit does not work in Enlisted as argument. Too many people have too many different definitions for terms, best one is toxic gameplay. Those contracts usually only apply in places where people already have similar values and beliefs. And whatever competition means in a game filled with plebs and Tesla bots…

Whelp. This was a blast. Honestly. Had fun debating this. But we are now well past “off topic” So I’m gonna drop it here. Have a great rest of your weekend.

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by not learning basic mechanics of the game yes. they dont need to have super aim and be mechanically most skilled player. to win they just need to build rally point and charge into the cap. it is not quantum physics. it is basic mechanic of the game.

i dont believe this until i see it actually implemented. also i asked for more details about those mechanisms (well at least for map one) and you see lack of answer in OP. they are famous for their implementation of “soft” rules that in theory “solve” the problem, but in practice does almost nothing.

also they are still not addressing faction stacking which is one of the biggest reasons for desertion (and which they artificially cause with implementation of power creep weapons). do you know why japan was popular ~4 months ago? did it have anything to do with type hei AR? why are suddenly allies popular? is it cause of t20? could this have been prevented by actually releasing both type hei AR and t20 at the same time?

and yet somehow veterans always stack one faction for absolutely no reason at all?

thus punish all people objectively? i want punishment for all people who are not trying to win. deserters, snipers, people not building rally points, people not defending caps, people not attacking caps etc.
why single out one group and blame them for all problems?

so for you competition is when game matches 10 extremely skilled and experienced players vs 10 newbies?

basic premise of competition is fair game and people faction stacking dont make the game fair.

hallelujah. lets punish them also.

and fail spectacularly. there is no competition when real madrid plays against team of preschool children. to claim otherwise is comedy.

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At last, common sense.
I agree.