Answering your questions!

my bredas are ready

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‘‘add customization for weapons ( as long are realistic. for example rags, engraved marks of kills / names / places / campaign )’’ this would be a good addition to game.
Aswell kill marks on tanks and more customization in general.


Yep they really don’t want to give f2p players anything more than basic f2p squads and occasional event squads. Even War Thunder is not that greedy and you can buy 2 additional slots for in game money, while their competitor is giving away squad slots left and right. 6 slots should be available for everyone for x silver orders, 4 is completely unplayable you can’t counter enemies. Since they are adding premium slot to premium squad owners they should give free slots to the event squads too. I’m saying it as a paying player with way too many premium squads.


have noticed more lagg and weird tank hitting too

This is what they already made happen.
Selling premium as a cashcow is their way to go, just like WT.
Which is insanely overprized .
You can go eat restaurant food all week out or buy a premium tank in a game that barely does difference… prizes should be less than half of what is now. maybe 20 euro tank and 10 for infantry, something liek that… idk


seems they don’t have any plans huh?
But rewrite all game and base on B.R a la WT they had time for, breaking all game, campaigns and sense of immersion, that and remake it into completely different game concept they certainly had time for.
And last minute last chance buy old premium and certainly new premium overprized squads

Maybe this useless G and M93s will also come in hand.

seems to me all your answers were; we don’t have any plans for that, and all questions were questionable to start with.
Nothing here claified any important. what is the B.R system like, no more info about that Soft rule.
No reassurance you still care about historical immersion of game.
You know you remove the historic mission feel of game now that campaigns are gone.
Nothing on how Squads will be earned or what their use and how is.
the customization aspect of having desert, summer and winter and also different time period on all maps in their respective campaign, how will that work? I want to be able to customize them for respective time period maps and climate, I do not want to end up seeing desert camos in moscow maps nor 45 camo in 41.
Much things that are left unasnwered.


Catus Felis
vulpes vulpes

Thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

Well, leaning has been discussed recently in this thread:

And here:

For inertia, I am sure devs understood perfectly what I meant, that is adding acceleration and deceleration. Something like this:


Does it means no tech tree paratroopers? If so add it. New players will be unable to get them
Another relates note to another question: will f2p infantry slots be expanded?

Does this apply to event squads?


That’s rich comming from the same people who think M2 carbine vs Type 4 rifle is “balanced”, or T34/85 vs Pz IV J in Berlin, or removinf MP717r being the only “german” SMG comparable with soviet drum PPSH/PPD SMG…

You can’t say that with a straight face acknowledging the shiteshow that is $talingrad with F2P vs P2… oh sorry, full access people situation…


In fact we don’t have strategic gameplay at the moment.

Only the gameplay spam.

I m the players who wants strategic gameplay too.

But it is a pity that we lack the rules of the game, and the mechanism is missing.

For example respawn score.

If they add a respawn score mechanic to custom games as such, players can have more strategic choices instead of spamming.

But we still lack these alternative rules. Or some sort of appropriate resource-based mechanic, like a renamed CRSED soul score etc.

You can now only find spam and unreasonable nerfing things here.

By the mech of respawn points and diverse combinations, they can do better, more balanced and more diverse without BR.

The sad thing is they’re pushing in the direction of BR, which doesn’t affect the spammy gameplay experience of the main game at all, which means it won’t appeal to players who like strategic gameplay.

And many orther players think this is a PVE dungeon game, but DF doesn’t see it, all of which have cognitive biases. So this is sad for DF.

You will definitely see players claiming that they love this game because this game doesn’t need to use their brains, you just run and shoot, unlimited spam anything they want, destroying robots, which actually brings funny to this part of players.

But at the same time, this kind of fun is short-lived for most people, and the lack of depth in the gameplay cannot retain players for a long time.

Spam gameplay will attract some players. But for more parts, I doubt it. For a F2P game, the number of concurrent players online and the retention rate will tell everything.

And this kind of gameplay conflicts with the strategic gameplay you described, and the strategic gameplay is also an element I want. I think the squad mode will make this game easier to be strategic, but it’s a pity that everything is mostly here. contradictory.

The only thing I’m looking forward to is that they make some positive changes about strategic gameplay for custom games.


WOW, i would honestly like more a “fuck u and pay us” answer than this, this is like that passive aggressive tone death post the guys at War Thunder gave the community a few weeks ago, the honesty of saying the above mentioned frase would be better appreciated


Bruh, ever play Normandy? Paratrooper has no balance


Who came up with this “questions”??

Almost nothing of the relevance was addressed least of which is the shit show of the merge coming up.

Typical smoke and mirror show to make them look like they are in touch with the community when they are anything but.

Just go back to blow FailFlow at least while you still have some revenue coming in.


Well, the last time they announced the nerf of aircraft they pulled the “people stadistic” card, but when people ask them which people and what stadistic. The moderator shill the topic and give zero answer

And is even funnier when one of their Q&A is about player want to add 1 more vehicle slot for F2P players they, of all the people, pulled the balance card…


Don’t worry i bet they have new premium squad planned with MP717(r) ha ha ha, want to have fair fight against overpowered soviets then pay us real $$$ - Darkflow and Gaijin


I dont know. I see more SG badges than Tunisia or Berlin ones. Its just that SG is another glorious Soviet botfarm most of the time.

Premium Squads gets free Slots?
Maybe i will come back.