Answering your questions!

They most likely dont even know how to fix the BR themself and dont want angry pitchforks because they scraped what was promised in favor of something they deamed better.
And any mention of BR would derail the entire topic for othere feedback.
So dont blame them for not including it.

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Most of the feedback/ questions are years old. Nobody hindered them from answering the questions in the past.


I’m talking about those GO-soldiers before the season 6, NOT AFTER.


What channel?

(side question)
Will we get the M26 after the merge so US allies can deal with Tiger 2s?




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Regardless of whether the game is P2W or not,

since most players have 3 infantry slots and only 1 vehicle slot

Jesus Christ, of course most players will have this slot set, as it is default. All those players who just played 1 round and then deleted the game, certainly they will have this set.

Why not check for example players who reached Level 20 in specific campaign and see how many slots they have?


Seriously who the hell will ask for tournaments in Enlisted’s “best balance” situation?

I don’t get the point: if player community has the opposite idea with the questioner, who really are these questioners?


Real A: Not planned. We want to keep the game’s Premium player/F2P “balance”, and since F2P players have 3 infantry slots and only 1 vehicle slot, this guarantees that “balance”.


You are wasting to many opportunities in the wasted BR…
And in this QA, you dosent even address how BR’s problems. If you are going to directly copy WT’s system (I think it’s obvious you are going to do so), then only weighing player’s top BR equipment, while ignoring squads sizes, how many of advanced weapons he carrys, how well his soldiers equipped, and lots more (also like how many vehicle squads he takes).
Let alone you still cant perfectly fit exact same amount of players to both sides.

All your current BR testing, tweaking, waiting for BR to roll out, then tweak again, community backlash about BR details , is wasting so many potentials to enrich game contents.
Still freaking shabby and buggy soldier and vehicle customizations.
Tank and plane loadout is still not anytime soon.

Even paratroopers to be adopted in tech tree will not be a thing…
Are you thinking adding contents via events will bring you more DAU than adding them in general progression tech tree? WTF?
Too many events will gradually deplete player’s interests to the game. Making players feeling bored of the game way early than they should be.


Oh, BTW, the server performance is seeing a noticeable decrease. Now, besides common EU server lag*. Even EEU is lagging and server load is over 100%.
And after the release, still only 3 servers???
*More common of unable to break the windows, tank hit rejected.
Enemy getting hit, but only jerk, not actual damaged.
Plane physics and hit reg is weird.
And so on


The most controversial for me is the statement that separating planes from tanks and adding an extra slot for f2p players will destroy the balance.

It won’t break the balance, but the snail says it’s not profitable for the developers.


Typical xD


That’s just a false statement. is a huge problem. These days, these are ninja fights, not heavily equipped soldiers. And the fact that the soldier lean out while running. And why when an enemy leans out in the open he doesn’t take damage?


The best thing is that I have 10 slots each.


This is horrible. You are effectively hiding an entire class of squad/soldiers with unique mechanics under payment. What was that about being more friendly towards new players? This is the opposite.


‘‘We have a historical game’’
Thise right there need to be stated extra and in bold to get a few people on the right track around the forums that get int o unecessary idiotic arguements


Would be used 98% for insult and bashing.
User reporting never helps in the moment
You can add the player and talk efter match you know…
no need for chat during current match. That is weird and could also lead to exploting and cheating

I have 10 slots too and I think the same.
At least they can have a tank and a plane


same here see it all to ofter, looks unatural and is not realistic.
plus extremely annying to shoot at