
The MG 81 was also originally an aircraft machine gun that was later used in the ground role when it was no longer used for the Luftwaffe just like the MG 15 and the MG 17 it had replaced as aircraft machine gun. The weapon had been designed by the Mauser Werke AG in Oberndorf and introduced in 1938, since early 1940 it began replacing the MG 15 and MG 17 as the standard aircraft machine gun. The major improvement in this new machine gun was a much higher rate of fire and the flexibility of feeding the ammunition belt from either of both sides. Often two machineguns were combined with a single trigger as a twin machine gun under the designation MG81Z . Conversion of the MG81 for the ground role included the addition of a bipod and a shoulder pieces, either a steel piece that could be retracted or a wooden pice. Many of the numerous twin MG81Z were used in the role of anti-aircraft machine guns where they reportedly proved especially useful. More than 46,000 were built; of the 33,164 in use on 1.7.1944, 20378 were MG81Z , the rest single-barrel MG81 .
The MG 81 was an air-cooled, recoil-operated belt-fed (using the standard ammo belts of the MG 34 and MG 42) 7.9mm machine gun weighing only 8kg (empty, in the original aircraft version 6.5kg) (MG81Z : 12.9kg) and having a length of only 96.5cm; the short barrel length of 47.5 cm made for a slow V0 of only 705m/s (when using standard 7,9mm Mauser ammo with sS projectile; with the stronger V-Patrone it reached between 760 and 790m/s depending on projectile type); the high rate of fire of 1600/min was not unproblematic for field use.
and there’s no good excuse anymore on why the Germans cannot have a belt fed MG going over 100 rounds when you look at the Soviets or the allies who have plenty of them.
If we ever get the belt fed MG with 100 rounds for the Germans it’s nothing to be proud about it’s just something we should have had a long time ago - Suggestions - Enlisted
I think this MG would deserve only 50 rnd belt to be properly balanced.
Is it time to bully the local crazy man again? Lol
I guess irl those MGs converted from plane to infantry role had issues with ovehreating (less airflow = less cooling) .
But since this mechanic sucks in the game, I don’t suggest anything.
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The most important statistic for German MGs is whether or not they are premium. This then determines whether they will be usable stat wise or just for larp fans.
Sad joke.
But it’s not p2w if you can kill him.
The sad but still funny fact is, that some people even believe they’ve encountered a cheater when they have seen a premium German MG in action, lmao.
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I’m somehow not surprised.
The gun is good, but I prefer to replace the existing MG34 machine gun fortress with it because it would be difficult to balance if it appeared as a solo weapon.
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Here’s an image of the Volkssturm operating an MG 81 in Königsberg in March of 1945.
IMO this should be an event or GO weapon, as the MG 08/15, MG 34, and MG 42 were more widely used. Anyway, we already have the MG 15 filling a similar role.
It’s gonna be as uncontrollable as the MG 15 (even more so, given it’s only 6.5 kg) and eat through ammo as quick as the MG 45. 100 rounds seems fair.
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Balance wasn’t the reason why I’ve proposed it.
Not sure what kind of gun has over 100 rounds of ammo, but that’s a new one to me.
The Germans already have beltfed MGs, their mechanisms are simply internal rather than external such guns like the RD-44, Browning, and Maxim-Tokarev.
Allies only have a single beltfed MG, and the Soviets only have two, one of which being an intermediate cartridge. Meanwhile the Germans have 4 beltfed LMGs. 75 Rounds is plenty enough along with the insanely low recoil + dispersion stats German LMGs have. Not to mention low tier LMGs like the MG30 being absolute laser pointers with SMG-levels of reload speed.
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That has a rate of fire of 1400-1600 rpm like literally no way to balance that
Also the German MGs are objectively better and 75 round MGs being lasers no I don’t think they’ll gonna need any form of 100 round belts because the faction doesn’t need it
They don’t really need to balance it because this could become a specialty for the Germans just like how the Americans can just bomb sectors of the map with their rockets and the Soviets are the masters of room clearing when it comes to their machine guns.
When this game is about wiping out a squad as fast as possible more bullets help when you’re dealing with mountains of squads at BR5
No only Americans have rockets on planes
Second almost 100 mg has a rate of fire between 500-700 you’re asking for a MG with a rate of fire of 1400-1600 rpm which would be the highest cycling rate in the game
There’s literally no way to balance such and I went through your post too btw
The other mg with the open belt drum was a air craft exclusive gun not even used in Berlin in ww2 or any setting but in planes
The MG-18/15 is a good suggestion but 200 rounds is waaay to much for any MG and a solider wouldn’t even carry 47 bls plus 12 bls of ammo
the more that the allies in Soviets keep power creeping it just means we’re getting closer and closer to the Germans having MG to drown the enemies in a mountain of bullets