Anniversary of the defense of Brest Fortress

was thinking that there wasnt gonna be event but im wrong personally for me this quest is harder but nothing that cant be done in 4 match (maybe except that 20 pistol kill)


I’m generally “meh” about portraits, but that propaganda one is iconic, really cool.

A must have!

Yeah these back to back allied events kind of blow

I thought I was smart when I did exactly the same (a collector, must, you know)

Now I’m not as smug anymore.

Veovodin is a seriously good (and good looking) pistol thought


Rocket artillery event is coming SoonTM

I want to play the new map
Where the fuck is it
30-40 tries and all Moscow or Berlin depending on my selected bracket

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Our time will come again, pal.


i like these small small events, it doesnt makes the game boring, anyway when bigger event is coming?

Two days of trying
And I haven’t gotten the new map once

I’m done

Why you don’t give another special reward like a event anti-tank grenade like the one throw by the soldier!


Operation Barbarossa deserves a bigger event for both sides!

This image will become my new desktop background :star_struck:


Are there also big events comming soon? With scary squads or something?

many event guns such as the MP41(r), Luftfaust, Breda Carcano, have never been re-run before


Who does these amazing arts cause this is my favorite out of all of them

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yea rocket squad (dont know when but they said there will be one)

Can we add the border defense uniform on the poster to the Soviet camp?


Have you played Heroes & Generals back in the day? I think it was this fort that they modeled. It was a fun map!


Bro enlisted ran 2 events back to back the week I go on vacation :cry:

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Yeah but like, soon? Because vacations and all. I have so much time knowin two weeks I will be in Italy. So its a bit of a shame if i would miss it.