And then frustration set in

Well, I started out a few hours ago and one of my daily objectives was to win 2 games. Should have been simple, but 11 game later I had won only once, the very first game. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: One win with the Allies, nine losses with the Allies and one loss a piece between the Germans and Russians. Time to quit for the day while I still have a functioning computer monitor. ā€œSometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshieldā€. :grimacing: Then to pour salt in the wound, the last game I played I started just as the first objective had fallen, so I bailed. One other game, I started out defending and I spawned so far back that the objective was almost taken before I got to the defense point. Iā€™ve had pretty good luck recently with the game match making, apparently my luck ran out :rofl:. Back tomorrow. YARN | And then depression set in. | Stripes (1981) | Video gifs by quotes | 9252581d | ē“—


yea i didnt play enlisted today tbh sure i could play and get some more research done but that just me grinding with no fun so i will wait beside tomorrow probably event (seeing how DF always put some sort of event in quite quick)


I know the feeling. Thankfully, my missus chastises me when the swearing at the screen gets too much, so thatā€™s usually the sign I need to play something else. :slight_smile:

Remember, itā€™s only a game! (Wise words from my long-suffering missus)


Event ended, casuals left and veterans switched back to Germany. Now at BR5 with Soviets i donā€™t see a single rally point itā€™s a dark souls difficulty, even tho they have superior and op guns the brainpower of average Soviet player is similar as the goldfish.


Well if you get so upset after 10 losses that you quit then you could always set up a custom bot match.
Get some target/map practice, not exciting but gets the task finished and you can move on to the next happy.

Coz I get so many mixed results. :laughing:
Play as Germany, lose to USSR.
Play as USSR, lose to Germany.
Play as Germany, lose to USA.
Play as USA, lose to Germany.
But still get plenty of wins in between and having fun.

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really? so those german match i play arent a coincidence? wow (seriously tho i thought it was rare)

Average American team:

Average German team:
Average Soviet team:

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didnt they say 2 rally will make spawn faster? i have yet to test it out tbh

Yes and I also do it.
Itā€™s in the engineer instruction video :laughing:

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I can never tell with sarcasm onlineā€¦

On the flip side, strategically, it just means two bullets gets the enemy player 110 points.

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And ouch! Thatā€™s some bad luck right there.

When I get two or three losses in a row, I usually hop to the Russians. (I main as BR 2 Americans).

Iā€™m tellin ya, the Steam newbies are crazy good after a few weeks.

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BRII USSR is getting kerbstomped at the moment. I can get a break with them.

The Germans are doing well for now.

Agreed! And when I first started it was b/c all the Germans were stacked with Marshals and generals in at min. a 2-1 ratio. Now, not even closeā€¦ I mean, there are a few matches where there are more on the German side when I play (EST, NA server) but more often than not, you can have a bunch of sergeants and below playing extremely competitively.

(Yeah, yeah, I know ā€œrank means nothingā€ but it does mean people have at least played the game for a whileā€¦) These days, weā€™re seeing some serious ā€œnatural skill FPS playersā€ who pick up the general nuances in a couple dozen games or so.

Itā€™s good for the game, too! Whatā€™s interesting is I see a lot fewer desertions overall and more often than not, itā€™s the ā€œveteransā€ who desert a match and the newbies stick it out and make it competitive. And a lot fewer ā€œroflstompsā€ than a month ago.

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Please form a team to ensure that there are at least 4 normal people in the friendly forces
and ask officials to quarantine or punish negative players
Rather than letting serious players be harmed by more than 70% of the other incompetents

Only in this way can we attract more players and retain old players and paying groups.
Instead of letting new players get hurt by negative players and give up on the game.
Nor is it to let paying players and hard-working players think that their money and efforts are just giving a bunch of incompetents an easy victory.
When they give up the game, they will complain to others about the selfishness and incompetence of the majority of the game and the official inaction and favoritism.
Then the group that listens to these people will give up on the game
When the game canā€™t get enough paying groups and main fighting groups
The government will become poor and the environment will become more negative.
This negative cycle will only lead to chronic suicide

I had task to kill 8 by artilaryā€¦ lmfao devs, no surprise to see the ghost artilary call and lets lock me out from firing like all of the match and then oh look my spanners and artilary have been taken out routine is still around, maybe update 231 may fix those ā€œbugsā€ā€¦ yup sadly had to skip that task. Sad times still.but have noted, have not been unable to lay mines whilst defending ā€œbugā€ has been fixed since ipdate 226, thanks devs! Lol

Yes, really seriously. :smiley:
Spawn faster and more troops.

Check the instruction video on the double rally point (with timestamp):

Yesterday evening:
Battle 1, Germany BR 5, very late joining, our team destroyed USSR.
Battle 2, Germany BR 5, our team destroyed by USSR.


I noticed when playing USSR BR 2 in the evening (CET) that there are few players on my team but plenty of German enemies.
Itā€™s better in the daytime.

Not ghost arty. You just need to wait until whatever arty was called. I had the same task, but got it in two arty strikes.

My issue is the bomber arty, because it takes too long to drop.

Played some Germany today, won one, lost one. Saw no rallies in my loss and only a couple in my win.

Yea rally is like the heart of a team without it you are essentially dead

People really need to start building rally tbh (or use more APC that works too as long as they donā€™t drive it straight into a tank)

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