And then frustration set in

Yeah, I usually play as Allies, and I move from 1-3 to playing level 5. I did rebuild my level 3 squads and played some with them along with a level 2 squad a few days ago and won all four of those matches. Most of my losses last night were level 3 Allies playing in the BR 2-5 matches. The German loss I had was against level 1-3 Allies and my Russian loss was 1-3 obviously vs Germany.

I took an hour off, came back and played another game level 2-5 allies and won, so I got my two win Enlisted objective met. The funny thing is, in the past 4 or 5 days I literally have not gone up or down in the rankings. I think I was at 524 on Sunday, and had climbed some, then after I quit for good last night was 524, so I guess you can say that is balance. :rofl: Not a happy balance last night though. :rofl:

Yeah, for quite a while I could play horrible and still get a win with BR5 allies, but I think that has dropped quite a bit now as I am losing as much as winning against both the Germans and Japanese.

Funnly enough, long ago there was an event with a task to build rallies. And you would frequently find matches with 5+ rallies. But when event ended, we were back to 0-2 rallies per match.

So it’s not like ppl don’t know about their existence. I guess many ppl simply don’t want to build rallies because of how “long” it takes.

That’s why I suggested option to order my AI to build rallies on their own. So suggar addicts can not waste 5s on building them so hopefully they are more likely to do this.
Though question is, will ppl know about such option? Many don’t know even basic AI controls we have.

But maybe it’s something completelly different. Maybe ppl just think “others will do the work”? Or maybe they preffer to have other soldiers than engineers in their squads?

Overall, a really weird issue.


Always make FOMO events with rally task?


Yea I remember that I think it was during the silent operation or whatever it was call where you have to get 50 rally usage I believe

Greatest time tbh nowadays 5 rally plus would be a miracle


Event one week ago.
Indeed more rallies than usual were to be found in that time…

I guess many players just want to shoot, dont like support role.
But they miss out on points and wins.


I don’t think the lack of common sense is specific to any one nation my friend the droves of moronic simpletons is something I deal with daily when playing Enlisted. I wish they would give a better tutorial of exactly how the mechanics of this game work and maybe ( big maybe) new players wouldn’t struggle so much with learning how to play and we wouldn’t be pulling out our hair and the stupidity.

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As much as I suck with bolt action rifles, I did manage to get the 80 kills using my sniper rifles for the most part. I totally suck with conventional rifles in close in battles.

Know that feeling mate. What I do nowadays is to mute the game and listen to some song in the background. It gets too much frustrating at times. Especially at BR V. Was playing a few matches in BR II and it felt quite different. Really enjoying this break from the game currently.

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Yeah, my Filipina girlfriend is always asking me why I am cussing at the computer, and I just tell her game frustration. I’m not sure she understands, but then her 15 year old son plays a game or two on my player he grunts and groans, and I always tell her those grunts and groans will be bad cuss words in a couple years. :joy: She understood the other day as I was yelling “get the f**k out of the way” to my own computer bots as they kept crawling in front of me blocking my shots and getting me killed. She saw that and was laughing, but I was not amused. I am also one of those who talks trash to the computer as I play, as if the enemy people can hear me. :rofl: I’ll say things like, “oh yeah, so that’s how you wanna play, well bring it ass wipe”. Meanwhile, this "ass wipe just took out my entire squad. :joy:


That’s classic.

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I do this way more than I care to admit.


Yeah, it would be nice if friendly fire was allowed at least against your own bots. Exactly because of this kind of scenario.


yep i do wish the bot could stop going prone in front of me tbh

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I would have more kills per match with my own bots then enemy bots. :rofl:

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Sometimes you’re the bug, sometimes you’re the windshield.


Man, that’s deep. I love it!

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Dont need it.

If the game is completely unbalanced, desert.

If I see tank or airplane players farming kills, I desert.

If I’m the only real player on the team, I desert.

I join and leave at least 8 games before I find a balanced game. I don’t care if I win or lose. I really don’t.

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Issue is - on really bad teams your rally point will just die as soon as you build it, as the rest of your team is just camping in buildings not respawning - the other team can freely roam and kill your stuff, since they do not have to fight through fresh reinforcements
