Ampulomets for the Specialists!

You’re already well acquainted with heavy machine guns that can only be built by engineers in machine gunner squads. This way of distributing powerful weapons allows us to make specialist classes even more unique, and gives more tactical flexibility to commanders.

As a result of discussing ampulomets with you, we decided to keep using this approach. In the next major update ampulomets will become a unique weapon of flametrooper squads!

Like with heavy machine guns, only engineers from flametrooper squads will be able to build ampulomets after they research the corresponding skill. In the «Battle for Stalingrad» campaign ampulomets will remain available to the engineer squads and will be added to flametrooper squads.

Light’em up!


Keep making specialist classes even more unique.
Like it!

AT-gunners squad next?


Keo I would have asked on the Para devblog, but after a day or so you guys seem to ignore further replies since it usually just loses focus which is fair enough.

What happens if someone else gets to the paratrooper’s dropped box of equipment either friendly or enemy soldier? Can they steal the stuff out of it like snatching a care package in CoD or does it just give you the “Cannot use enemy equipment” line? If you or the helpers have any idea, I mean.

What about anti tank cannon?

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Cant remember that anyone mentioned to give it to flamers.

Isnt that kinda pointless since there wont be campaigns soon anyway?


“shush! we want you to buy the full access pack, before we remove all advantages paid for it with next revamp!”


limiting those to a specialist squad is a good idea thought. the flamer squad is a strange choice as those are assault guys, but a good limiting factor notheless.


As far as i know, paratrooper’s box can be used only by paratroopers who jump from the plane with it.


I’ve said it before, it’s very confusing with the terminology. We need a clarification.

From what I remember DF never said anything about any removal of campaigns.
It’s rather a interpretation by the players.

And it seems logical with the upcoming changes.

But I think they intend to keep naming maps from the current various campaigns like “Tractor Plant – Battle of Stalingrad” if you happen to spawn in there.

Anyway changes to the flamethrower squad will probably happen before the big MM changes so in that regard it makes sense.


I guess they might give them better AT, like PAK 43, or 17-pounder

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And the supply box drops where you initially target your landing point?

Since paratroopers depict as universal (or versatile in russian) Will the supply box also contain a radio and medical supplies?

Will you be able to customize the supply box before battle?


Very cool😀 Waiting for the new update

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This is a great idea, ampulomets for flamesquads only, excl Stalingrad. Can’t wait for this update, I’m here waiting to buy those Paras on ps5, I thought you would even have done it earlier than close of BP, but perhaps not, always hoping anyway.

Keep up the good work :+1:

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Yeah, i’m aware.

Still they using the term which is confusing:

From what I understand the new campaign will be a standalone event for awhile (with pre-made squads).
Then it will vanish and submerge under the rest of the tech tree/factions.

It’s probably to convient to use the term “campaign” rather than “map and content update”.


sticky granades perhaps

nice! dont forget to add heavy AT CANONS as fast as possible to the AT squad. currently these squads are too inferior to be used.


Personally, I am curious about the special architecture of the sniper squad.

Maybe an observation post, or a radio that can call in scout plane (special skills for a signaler would be nice)… a sniper disguise net doesn’t seem very useful, but it’s a possibility.

either way, @1942786 any reason PAK anti tank aint a anti tank squad thing only?

and can you please limit the phosphorous grenades to a single Squad type ? so we can play a match and not suffocate in it ?


If the engineer puts specialized equipment in the appropriate squads, then in the AT squads you can expect anti-tank cannons.

It is now necessary to create specialized opportunities for engineers. Maybe we need to change them to sappers.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking!