Americans and British had better AT guns

We have no M5 76 mm in the game; what do you mean they do?

Pak 42 is just the name for Kwk42 when mounted on tank destroyer, I don’t think there is a towed version of it.

Maybe he meant, they have such a thing? IRL



Where is M5 AT gun in game though?

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Well hopefully someone will make a thread asking for it, :smile:

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KV1: I like this idea

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It may not be in the game CURRENTLY, but we are saying if/when they add it in.

They do have 76mm and 90mm gun though…

Or they could make the regular Engineers build the light AT gun. It’s decent for general purpose and there will be times where you’ll see the occasional vehicle you can fight. And AT squads have the heavy AT gun as standard

I’ve also suggested flak cannons like the infamous 8,8 that can be dual AT/AA guns

I think they should add infantry support guns instead. It’s a great excuse to implement this new class of weapon

I could get behind something like that too.

I will say that I do think the Flak Cannons need to be added, HOWEVER, I don’t think those should be able to angle down.

The light-weight ones that we have right now for AA though, SHOULD be able to angle down, as they would be good for dealing with APCs and infantry.

Could you detail what you are talking about?

I am talking about in-game.

I disagree because I feel that would the rob the opportunity of flak cannons doing their most infamous role. I’ve said that they could make them cost pretty much all of your Engineer points and they have no armor whatsoever with a completely exposed crew so they are balanced

I lean towards AA guns regaining the ability to aim towards the ground. There have been times where I’m trying to shoot down a plane but they just happen to escape at just the right angle I can’t shoot.

Plus with all the chaos on the ground battle in the first place I don’t think they’re as insanely OP as people made them out to be. Plus they’re easy prey for snipers, mortars, and pretty much all the other thousands of ways to die or get blown up on the battlefield

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I get abused so much when this happens in LF.

As far as i knew they are limited in there angle of fire?
But upon reading this forum, way to much,
i discovered there is easy work around for the angling, is, to use, one of you fav tools, a shovel, can get that AA angling n right spot, haven’t tried this yet myself, but seems sort of feasible :smile:

I was referring to if the flack cannons are added, not the currently existing autocannons.

They changed it a while back. You used to be able to do it somewhat, but since the change you can rarely make it work.

Considering how strong the HMG is, the Autocannons shouldn’t be overpowered if they let them angle down. They would cover the niche of high precision that the HMG does not however.


It’s weird, Russia only uses German AT guns which is stupid and lazy. Makes absolutely no sense.


Look at their tech tree
There are a lot of things in it that were taken from others.


I wouldn’t necessarily say stupid, but lazy, yes. Taking a shortcut requires some IQ, after all.

I will never understand the desire for the Flak 88 to be added to this game in its AA configuration. Using it in the AT configuration makes some sense even if I disagree with it however, in the AA role it was to target heavy bombers 30000ft in the air flying in mostly straight lines. At most, you will be able to shoot at the bomber raids and plains that fly directly at you, which at that point you might as well just use the normal AA because they can do both of those tasks just as well while still being effective against the normal fighters.

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