(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

This is the only time I’ve felt the need to post on forums. Please dear god Darkflow do not implement these research changes. For a lot of us veterans we have millions of exp stored (around 5-10mil for most veterans i know). This equates to 50-100k silver for the potentially hundreds of matches we have played after finishing a tech tree. This is nowhere near a proper evaluation for all the work we do to keep certain nations afloat when the community jumps ship to the newest shiny thing during updates. The 25k excess cap also ruins our capability to get new stuff for trees we only play or main specifically, which causes us to grind exponentially more after you take all of our hard work away. I will be quitting your game and potentially more if you guys decide to throw hundreds of hours my effort away for a measily amount of silver. Please turn back you will kill your veteran community. At least compensate us with a lot of Veteran boxes (which we all know you’ll charge a fortune in silver for) if you are going to ream us up the rear.


Does that include a margin for error when it comes to rerolling soldiers or having to respec as a new player that for example finally realized how climbing speed melee build might now be the optimal way to go for BR5?

So here’s the base idea, remember this is “up to” 80%:

1000 (base silver per game) + 94 (bonus silver from excess RP conversion) + 500 (5 battle hero medals) + 200 (join any team) = 1794

This is an 80% boost for silver overall. Once again, this is “up to”, and is not accounting for anything else other than this.


I’m going to assume that they will get transferred into silver.
So, any research points you have over 25k will be automatically converted

I assume these calculations? This is based off my average performances and average performances of top players (example: EVA_WhatsitTooya )
This is not a representation of the AVERAGE or Below-average experienced players, but the expectations of veteran-experienced players


The whole post remind me of saying this

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yes it will, it was clarified to me so i have resumed to sticking crayons up my nose

Yes, on average 21 rerolls per soldier (its 3.7% chance in my maths) for a max rolled guy
Sell back value of 95%, it costs about the same amount as each soldier to max roll them
If a soldier costs 9,000 silver, you will spend about another 9000~ silver buying and reselling it
So 18k silver to on average max roll a 9k silver soldier
Hopefully that makes sense


Best summary.

As a player who’s already unlocked all the researchable content in all trees, this proposed change takes away my current ability to store XP in advance for unlocking future content.

In exchange for, basically, nothing. Crumbles of silver that I don’t even really need, because I’ve already bought pretty much everything.

Regardless of the (negligible or not) impact on the earnings of newcomers, this is a catastrophic downgrade to the earnings of long time veterans.

How can you announce it as an “improvement” with a straight face?


Star Trek I
A) Most players probably do not even have excessive RP available for conversion.
B) Most players do not even earn one hero award per battle.
C) Are you sure that many players will suddenly play any faction, especially if the bonus is still lower than the win bonus?
D) 1000 Silver equals 10k EXP, which even fewer people earn per battle (unless the matrix behind it is actually different, but still, you can’t do a lot with 1k silver) and this should not include vet membership and biased win bonus.

Nice math, dude.


1000 + 0 (only vet completed all campaigns) + 0 (gl getting battle hero) + 200 (join any team) -500 (join any team to join losing team)


my overall thoughts

  1. these changes can only be meaningfully felt by good players that play good and play premium squads and have premium account
  2. exp conversion should be optional, slide and exchange, available to anyone at any point in their progression, for this to be doable there needs to be an option to store exp and not forcefully research
  3. some other poster had a great point, 20% “choose any faction” is likely not very meaningful, if you are stacked mostly against popular factions that automatically get 50% per likely winning. This won’t be the case only if really a lot of players are on and they play using this and they play good enough to truly tip the balance in a game and have a reasonable chance of winning (+50%) and “choose any faction” bonus 20% on top

so, me sweatlording as a pretty decent player, with premium account and playing only premium squads and winning a pretty decent battler, i used to get around 30000 exp which is, i dont even know 2700 silver let’s say

+300 silver from exp conversion (i’m far from finishing all researches, so does not apply)

+500 silver from badger - unlikely to get all

  • 20% exp for (not sure how calculated, +6000 gross exp and about 500 more silver??)

How wrong am i about this calculation? and how far is this ideal situation from the average free to play and more casual than sweaty player’s experience?


Better than the current announcement.

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It does, and impressive. Thank you.

You receive:

  • +10% silver gain for having maxed a faction’s tech tree
  • +20% silver gain if you gamble with the matchmaker and join any team

I receive:

  • All your free exp is capped to 25k
  • All excess free exp is converted to silver at a 100:1 rate
  • Meet a deathstack because you’re the balancer? No winrate bonus for you.

The very fact battle heroes is considered part of the equation is a joke. You might as well put in the extra silver/exp you get for winning, which is +50%

“Up to” isn’t good enough for the general playerbase.

Incremental improvements, while appreciated, aren’t good enough.


well i found a battle where i earned 1.1k silver(kinda way below average). if i didnt have premium i would earn 550 silver. with extra battle hero rewards i could have earned extra 500 silver as f2p player so it would almost double my income.

so there are couple of conditions to get to that number:

  1. be f2p
  2. be bad player
  3. dont have win bonus.

Which, funnily enough, is accompanied by newer players showing up due to the steam release.

We all float down here.

Weird because that is still different than what Ronald showed us, especially with the five battle awards. Maybe I just get the silver conversion wrong.

That just apply to above average player because for getting 1000 silver per normal game we have to get atleast 100 kill or over with vehicule kills so not very achieable for new comer

yeah i didnt see his calculations…

btw can anyone explain to me how do i get 80% extra income with these numbers?



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