ALLIES need BETTER ANTI TANK WEAPONS!, is O U T R A G O U S, the fact that the BEST AT weapon the allies have is 102 armor pen or whatever it is IS OBJECTIVELY horrible and unfair

Good point. I think good solution for p47 would be buildable aa outside engineer squads. This way it would be more common. Also giving slots for f2p players would encourage them to use planes and keep the skies clear

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Just like the cas, so unless germans get something similar to P47 I dont see a single reason why US should get something either.
Call it ass-ymmetrical balance if you like.

SU has IS2 & faust.
Japan doesnt fight germans but murricans.

Except one is capable also to fight while the other cant do cas.

Could ask the same, regardless is the Engineer a event squad or premium squad Im quite confident its still a engineer squad ?
Nor cant regular engineer build AA in assaulter squad for example.

And since u brought the premiums to conversation apparently the firefly can pen tiger2H frontally and kill it. So there u go, 1 more way to deal with it.

Flank it np.

Or fighter with cas ability, hell even a finally fixed D12 would do the trick.


Fully agree. I dont know why the premium focke has better flight performance that the tech tree ones

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I haven’t noticed of any significant differences.

Is Ju188 too hard?

Did I say that though?

At totally same capabilities.

Good luck fighting with that

Not sure what for japan needs counter against greyzoning KT2, since it has been pretty much the subject here murrica suffers and so on.

If we disregard, speed, turning time & lack of rockets. Sure they are entirely identical much like strawberry is basicly almost like KT2 but not exactly.

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Use bombs. Fighters have them.

Not sure which one in BR V has bombs.

But since its that easy, then just bomb the KT2.

20mm cannon and other guns doesnt sound too bad.

Because that was the issue everyone has in mind. Not the Jumbo or the Pershing.

K4 is faster and more agile. Only has no rockets but its primary role is to fight planes.

Nor does rider against tanks so I guess that ends there.

Then I must have missed something since its the murrica suffers that ive noticed repeatedly.

Exactly, so hardly anyone uses it because
a) You might end up against soviets that dont spam cas like murrica
b) even sometimes the murrica doesnt spam cas
c) so you are entirely useless due to fact that you dont have cas ability of anykind in these situations.

Thank you for confirming you don’t fly at all!

You can’t even structure a logical sentence.

Engineer can’t build aa gun in regular squad, but I am not talking about regular squad.

Lol keep diverge the topic.

Lol rage after failing to diverge the topic.

You just run out of opinion and try diverge the topic to argue with me.

Eh ? Premium engineer, event engineer or TT engineer. All sounds like engineers to me.
Apparently they aint, so speak about logic here.

Try to make some sense then what you are after.

I already gave you the riders.
Sure you found out few examples where they cant be used but same applies to AA so Id say its even.

This hardly is argument

@khtk395 @TUSUPOLISI69

I thinks you two have get already sufficient fun in arguing, I need ask you two to stop before it becomes more personal

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Should just remove their comments then. Kids aren’t contributing nothing.

If op ask it I will do it


Something that always wondered since it is not commonly brought up, does the Piat or M9 bazooka had any improved ammo? I know that the problem with the bazookas is the small caliber but that isn’t a problem with the Piat did the British never improved the design of the ammo?

Also, anyone know the stats of the prototype Super Bazooka? or it is exactly the same as the post war one?

If is in the editor… As far I know you can’t see stats in the editor just try weapon, probably you should message an helper

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This is still not a problem. In the city, drive around the side alleys with your own tank and sacrifice yourself by blocking the firing zone with your own vehicle.

The plane, or rather the seaplane, on the beach is exposed only to the enemy’s throne. C47 on Normandy is surrounded by trenches.

I don’t know where the maps are small for you. Well, unless you like walking simulators.

I think you’re missing the point of my posts. I’m the one trying to show someone else how stupid I think their argument is.