Allied US BR2

Currently, I have BR2 allies both UK US, as typically we get Pacific or Tunisia, but what that means is even with Ten slots I’m pulling Matilda in Tunisia, or Brits in Pacific.
Not ideal, may drop one of my assault squads to allow for US light armour in Pacific.

Br3 (mid tier) have mainly US as get Pacific, Normandy. Even bought Reisen medic squad to stop overwriting my same squads when used in presets…

I think this will be solved when Brits have own nation, but for the time being are we going to see SAS in Ardennes, Matilda in Ardennes ( likely higher BR, but maps don’t have BR), I can’t imagine that and really don’t want to.

I guess my point is low BR2 is split across two fronts, which either fit perfectly (SAS in Tunisia, Matilda) or Pacific (M8, P38g, Marines…)

I mentioned this before, but a preferred battle might help!


Ah yes, this will be nice particularly because there is already not enough people playing top tier US currently…

Also, I would be soooo happy to get rid of half the weapons available at Tier 1-3

I would be glad to be able to have separate presets for Tunisia and Pacific for allied BR2 and the correct one would be chosen based on the selected map.


Once more, someone asking for the original matchmaking system

Not exactly, I know they won’t rollback changes, we have to adapt, but providing voices changed and customization per battle