Allow players to have separate squad presets for different fronts on the same BR

I would prefer to be able to have 2 different presets – e.g. USA BR2 (Pacific) and Britain BR2 (Tunisia).

USA BR2 (Pacific) squads preset would have USMC squads, LVT, Seagull plane, etc.
Britain BR2 (Tunisia) squads preset would have British SAS, Crusader, Hurricane trop plane, etc.

I would queue as “US/UK” faction at BR2 and depending on the map selected (Pacific/Tunisia), the game would pick the correct preset.

Similarly, my German BR1 could have two options:
German BR1 with Kar98k and Pz III and Italian BR1 with Carcano and M14/41 + Italian soldiers and voicelines.

A level 1 player who doesn’t have any of that would queue for both fronts.

And as they progress through the tree their unlocks would be added to the corresponding squads and presets – A13 to Tunisia, yet something universal like M4A2 could be available for both Tunisia and Pacific presets.

Of course, this is very dependant on all squad presets using the same pool of grenades, mines, etc. not to buy useless stuff.


Needs fronts (campaigns, whatever you wish to call them) to be differentiated too


Thank you for your input.

Not having an option is always better than having an option /s