All Viable Type 97 Chi-Ha Variants

A Very Brief History

After the Marco-Polo bridge incident the Mitsubishi-made Chi-Ha was selected over the cheaper bid from the Osaka Army Arsenal, Chi-Ni, to be developed into the Type 97 and subsequently into the backbone of the IJA’s tank force. The tank was clearly an excelent platform thus spawning many variants to serve different purposes.

Base characteristics of the Type 97 Chassis



Length: 5.52m
Width: 2.33m
Height: 2.23m
Ground Clearance: 0.40m
Weight: +/- 15t
Ground Preassure: 0.66kg/cm²


Front: 25mm
Sides: 25mm
Rear: 20mm
Top: 12mm
Bottom: 8mm



Engine: Mitsubishi Tyoe 97 air-cooled diesel V12 Power: 170HP @ 2000rpm
Max Speed: 38km/h
Max Grade: 34°
Range: 210km
Suspension: Bell crank
Track: 305mm wide, 97 links


Vehicles with ☆ after their name are already in War Thunder and therefore should be easier to port into Enlisted.

Medium Tanks

The backbone of Japans armored core.

Sadly the two most common variants are locked behind Paywall/Event. That is why I’m including them in this list. I’ve discussed this on another post.


This tank should have a Research Tree counterpart, everyone can agree on this. Imagine the US tree with no M4!
Type 97 Chi-Ha Convoy

Chi-Ha Kai☆

Same thing for this tank; the Chi-He is a premium and this was Japans most successful tank. There is no tank currently in the game that fits its niche, therefore we need a Research Tree counterpart for this tank aswell.

Self Propelled Guns

Ho-I prototype

You know the regular Ho-I, this was the test bed for the final version. It also uses a different turret than the final model.
img_3 (1)


Japan’s very own derp gun. It carried a massive 150mm howitzer that would make short work of anything it can manage to hit.

Ho-Ni II

The second member of the Ho-Ni family carried a Type 91 105mm howitzer. Employing this SPG against objectives and lighter vehicles would be this variant’s wheelhouse. The Type 91 was able to fire HE, Shrapnel and AP shells.


Not much evidence exists of this Variant, however if added it would be a major threat as it Carries a Type 96 150mm howitzer firing standard HE and AP.
Ho-Chi Drawing

Chi-Ha LG☆

If you’ve played War Thunder you know how cool this variant is, one of only a few Type 97 variants operated by the Imperial Navy the Chi-Ha Long Gun could fill the same niche as the Flak Bus.

Self Propelled Anti-Air Gun


Arcording to some sources it was based on the Type 97 chassis. The Ta-Ha mounted a Type 1 37mm AA gun within a turret. At least one was built before the war ended.

Flame Thrower


The only viable Flamethrowing tank that the Japanese produced, the Ka-Ho was a Type 97 fitted with two external fuel tanks for two bow flame throwers. It retained its 57mm gun in the turret but lost its bow machine gun in the hull.



Multiple Launch Rocket System

Chi-Ha GS

Truly a variant that deserves to be brought to life in a game like Enlisted. The GS was armed with rocket launching platform over the engine deck with spaces for eight Type 4 20cm rockets, the minimum engagement distance was 100m for the rockets. In the turret the GS was armed with a launcher that could fire infantry torpedoes and AT grenades. This would be a perfect Premium vehicle for Japan and it’s bangalor torpedo should have the ability to destroy tank traps as a special ability.




Command Variant that would have limited use in the game. It only has a 7.7mm MG in the turret but its equipped with a Type 98 37mm in the hull. This Variant would be a novelty and not be advatageous over anything we already have, maybe valuable as an event or premium?


Light Tank


Although not utilising the Chassis this example use the regular Type 97 turret and armament.

Electronic Warfare


One of the most interesting tanks maybe ever put into service, this variant is a true specialist. The armament consisted of a 10 kV dynamo, which, after appropriate preparation, could feed strong voltage peaks into enemy telephone and telegraph lines and thus damage communication equipment connected in the immediate vicinity. The Ka-Ha was deployed in China.

In all seriousness there is no place for it in the game and probably never will be but it’s cool and I wanted to share.



Sharing many components with the Type 97 chasis, this honorary variant of the Chi-Ha would be the perfect counter to the LVT-4. It was armed with 2 Type 93 Heavy Machine Guns and was clad in 10mm or armor.


Excellent and well put together post, glad to see Japan still has options for more content


Good work

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Thank you!

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I definitely think the Chi Ha and Chi Ha Kai should be readded as research vehicles. They’re STANDARD ISSUE

Reminder it’s not the first time they made something that was STANDARD ISSUE a premium or event. There have been many cases

They did make the M2 Mortar, America’s standard light mortar, an event but they came to their senses and changed it.


I disagree. In research each faction should have at the very least one of every vehicle class. This rocket vehicle should be a research

There was a late war experimental MLRS truck. I think that would be better as a premium

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Chi-Ha Kai at the very least, since we already have incidents of event stuff being added to tech tree.

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It is possible for event stuff, but it will be very unlikely for the premium stuff.

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Why not ? After the merge multiple premium tanks and weapons were available as premium in certain campaigns while being free in others.

Stuff like Owen and FNAB were premium in Tunisia and are also in the tech tree. The same goes for Panther A and some Pz IV.

Also, Japan now has Chi-He as a premium instead of the Chi-Ha Kai at BR2, I could totally see Chi-Ha Kai coming as a Tech tree at some point.


Lol you literally said their difference. Did Chi Ha fulfill such criteria?

Chi Ha Kai is not a premium to begin with, it is an event tank.

So ?

M2 Mortar was an event reward and guess what ? You can find it in the tech tree.

Lol you don’t even read clearly what I said at first. Please read our entire conversation again.

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