All maps open to all BR ratings

Can we please make all maps open to all BR ratings, I know have to acquire a bunch of BR 2 weapons to give my guys loadouts so then can play maps like Moscow or Tunisia for 3 different factions


Tiger 2 time travels to Tunisia?

T-26 and Madsen storm Berlin?

No thank you, we have enough of that clownfest with Stalingrad and Rzhev already :+1:t4:


the vg1-5 rifle can already time travel to moscow and tunisia

you can already take Madsens into berlin if you so choose

but it shouldn’t!



Yes please, so many unhistoric weapons already and it will be impossible to fix unless there are only like 10 guns per faction.

Can’t even use historically accurate weapons on some maps because their BR is too high


I completely agree.

The game is very unbalanced. It’s impossible to find fun in the regular maps according to each BR.

Opening up the maps to all BRs will expand the options for having some fun.


Yes, needs to be fixed

You can also play with your eyes closed if you so choose

Doesn’t mean that’s the way to go

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Just like Pershing’s in the pacific right? They all have ways to be destroyed, it’s not like they are going to be facing lower br people, it would still be 5v5 so you’d have capable counters

I have no idea what your trying to say here, those are low br guns they can go to any map anyway

the vg rifle literally did not exist during the battle of tunisia, thats what im saying

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I too would prefer a little historical integrity, however that is not this game for the foreseeable future

I think we should have all maps for all BRs.

Personally for now the way I work is that my loadouts make historical sense for the maps I’m playing on. I can’t control other players but as long as my loadout works I’m good. It’s just like in Battlefield where I only use faction specific weapons while the rest of the teams are all random chaos


Also needs to be fixed

It’s not about counters, it’s about saving the last grains of WW2 we have in this game

  • Tiger H1 appearing in Berlin instead Tunisia

  • PPSh-41 only in Berlin and Stalingrad

  • Ghost of Fedorov still appearing in Berlin even tho it shouldn’t even exist anymore after 1942

  • AS-44 appearing at all in more copies than 5 times in a single match (it should have been a gold orders or event weapons depending on a model)

  • VG 1-5/VG2/Kar98k Kriegs/MP3008 time travelling to Moscow and Tunisia

  • MG42 Early not fighting in Moscow

  • Pershing in Pacific

  • Jumbo (especially 76mm) in literally any front except the Bulge

  • Germans not having PPSh-41 in their TT even tho they’ve been using it all the time and they preferred it over mediocre mp40

The PPSh-41 was popular in the German armies as well. Captured PPSh-41s were often used by the Germans against their enemies. It was so popular among German soldiers, in fact, that it was the second most used SMG among German forces in WWII.

  • Germany also liked captured SVT-38/SVT-40 so they also should be added to their TT.

Game is full of stupid historical inaccuracies you know why? Because you wanted the merge.


Literally one of my top replies on the account was against the mindless way of merging

Play big action! They added custom squads that are historically accurate and the gameplay is very fun. It really brings me nostalgia from the old moscow campaign

Sounds awesome, hope to find a full server soon!

I played it today with full server. Should be still running

Because that doesn’t happen somewhat often already…

I saw an t26 in berlin yesterday. Also ppd 34s