All maps open to all BR ratings

Agreed, they have discarded the whole historical accuracy thing in terms of weapons and vehicles being used in certain locations with the whole merger so why can’t we do Br 5 matches on Tunisia or Moscow

They got rid of that with the merger, if it was before that would make sense, I mean before it you could literally have better equipment in Moscow and Tunisia than your allowed to have now

I actually liked it pre merge better than now, but that’s what I don’t get is that now we can’t play Tunisia or Moscow because I have stuff that is considered be 5 even though I can take that stuff else where that it wasn’t used

have you considered that some people here, like myself, enjoy historical fantasy? I think it’s crazy (in a fun way) to see pershings in the pacific or STG44s in moscow, I don’t want a real life simulator, I want a fun video game to waste my time on

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I’m not denying anyone their right to play BFV, Wolfenstein or Man in the High Castle kind of games.

However, this game has been marketed as immersive and authentic since circa ~2017, so the current bullshittery looks more like they had no idea how to do it rather than a new direction towards a fantasy game.

I mean that’s the point, with this current system I don’t see why we can’t get Tunisia and Moscow set up for be 5 matches, why do I have to do customs for it when there is already non-historical stuff going on, I wish they would have kept the old system but they just reverted to their war thunder design

It needs to be fixed, not multiplied

E.g. all Volkssturm weapons need to go to BR5 but be dirt cheap.

The only way to ‘fix’ that would go back to pre-merged system, im only trying to add suggestions to the current system