All factions events


Well there is very few events that are for all the factions and lately majority of events are for late BRs so here few ideas for interesting events for BR II for all the factions :

I .Planes event:
1.GE HE 112 BR II :

2.SU MIG 3 15 BK BR II :

3.Japan N1K1 BR II:

  1. US Seversky-p-35 BR II:

II.Tanks event:
1.GE VK 16.02 Leopard BR II:
VK 16.02 Leopard

  1. USSR T-46 BR II:

  1. Japan Type-5 Ke-ho:

  2. US T18E2 BR II:

III. Amphibious APC event:

  1. GE Landwasserschlepper BR II:


  3. Japan Amphibious truck Su-Ki BRII:
    Amphibious Truck Su-Ki

  4. UK (US) Terrapin BR II:

IV LMG BR II event :

1.GE VMG 1927 30 rounds drum magazine BR II:
VMG 1927 30 rounds drum magazine

  1. USSR DP 25 rounds :

  2. Japan Type 11 with Scope BR II:
    Type 91 tank machine gun

    The Type 90 tear gas grenade launcher was developed to be fired with the Type 26 revolver

Yes they have tear gas grenade launcher on that pistol

  1. US Automatic Machine Rifle, “Benét-Mercié .” BR II:
    U.S. Automatic Machine Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1909

I think all this events will be interesting and they can be for all the factions and make BR II more interesting if you manage to get them


Why not? After all i’m trying to get a excuse to go back to br 2 cuz br 5 is unplayable at this hours…


yeah thats why i love to playing BR II sometimes its chill and you dont need to play the meta stuff to have fun


Don’t you think a vehicle with panther hull at BR2 is a bit overkill?


No how the wehraboos gonna play Panther and King Tiger at BR II have some common sense … now jokes aside it has 16–50 mm of armor its hardly a panther :smiley:


Oh, so it’s only panther-like shaped? Interesting

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This is a very interesting one ngl i like it a lot

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The project was canceled in January 1943 before the first prototype was completed

The design was later discarded by the government, after the prototypes were built and tested. The project ended up being too expensive and a poor design.

Production was impossible due to shortages of materials such as steel, and the bombing of Japan. Only a single prototype was completed by the Hino Jido Sha company by the end of World War II.

Yeah nah my friend Wiki says we don’t need an event like this.

But the frontal armor is 50mm sloped at 50 degrees I think its a bit OP at br 2.

Lol so you like to have mass produced vehicle locked behind event I guess.


Yeah I tricked the Germans they think ohh it a Panther at BR II and this is MG 34 but they are not they only look similar that’s why I picked them :smiley:


Yeah I wanted to go with very rear vehicles that really feel like event and wont be in the tech tree for sure

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well that’s the reason I picked them cuz they are prototypes perfect event vehicle choices

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Where did you get that?

You guessed wrong.

I want event who represents small ww2 battle or other scenario who can’t be added in Enlisted, like Crete and the winter war, with some themed gun or vehicle to unlock by completing objectives, Also mean more stuff for modder to use for new costum map, is a win for everyone

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Well from time to time they make events of this type once a year there was the robot event , the zombie event maybe they can try make a realistic event of this type

yes duck squad (Amphi vehicles)

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They are my favorite also :smiley:

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Isn’t that a Type 98 with 45 rounds? I think for some reason the machine gun in the photo just has the magazine removed. But what prevents to put a magazine from Type 11 on the machine gun in this case? Something to think about :thinking:. For 2 BR there is the Type 11 with a box magazine (but we don’t even know its capacity) and something remotely resembling the Type 11 with Gochekis-type belt-fed ammunition:

Japan is having trouble with the amount of content as always :smiling_face_with_tear:.

It would be really cool to see an A6M2 with a 250kg bomb, from what I understand in theory it could be adapted to carry a 500kg bomb, but that would be too much :blush::


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Eh, seriously, yes to all of that. I love low br things.

If adding the vk tank is too complicated for the devs, I wouldn’t be angry to get the Luchs instead.