All Clothing list ( Updated )


you can theoretically add effect lights to weapons or cosmetics ( through decorators in the entities.blk ) .

problem is, if i recall correctly, the light will be a bit bouncy, and it goes through majority of rendinsts.


The WW1 Style helmet is for the upcoming event assault engineers I presume

dunno about that.

it could be.

( as… technically it’s still an m35 and not an actual stainhelm like the crsed one: )


due to the document being heavy and slow to load images, and i’m not willing to sacrifice the quality of images,

i decided to stream line the documents in order to take less time, and therefore, the following items of all factions:

will be separated from the main thread and added separately onto another document.

because some of those are not widely used and / or are shared across some factions anyway.

so you will find them in one place, plus a link will direct you there if you need them.

Now I remembered this great list by Erika and came to see it because I wanted to know about the US military outfits.
I looked at it carefully and noticed the fact that the amo pouches and clothing are separate parts. In the game you can only purchase these items as one piece, and I have always found it difficult to replicate the equipment of the 101st Airborne Division. (The jacket with lots of pouches is not the same color as their airborne pants.)
However, looking at the list, I realized that there seemed to be a non-zero chance that there would be a costume item in the future that would satisfy me. Or maybe a mod will be able to reproduce it first.
Anyway, it must have been very hard to mine so many equipment items and write an article about them. My thanks and respect to Miss Erika who has done a wonderful job. :saluting_face:

and we need that pattern on top reworked and brought back out