Aircraft Gunners

Damn sounds like those balloons are made of titanium :wink: weird though. Btw i decided not to do an fully upgraded FW A8 though but just an small montage. This since i think the BF109 is much better fighter and the FW more of an fighter but Attacker which is the tradeoff for it to be less agile

I have fully upgraded my p51C and My P51D, FW190, to 5 of 6, last upgrade is expensive!
Got my Ju188 back in line up though waiting for big update.

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So glad this is finally coming

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Now you can kill the pilot AND the gunners. NICE

Air battles just got more interesting


Its getting better for Fighter pilots asw since shooting down bombers will be more lucrative but also for the AA operators

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Iā€™m willing to bet AA guns are still best used to mow down infantry (in terms of lucrativeness), at least if fair and balanced plane damage models arenā€™t changed.

I use them to shoot down airplanes alot when able but yeah some times the allies planes can tank quite a lot of thoseā€¦sometimes notā€¦its also all in the aim. They used to be more powerful before so idk if they got nerfed or i had better shots taken then. But now its give or take situationā€¦

Ps they still work! Just shot down an P50 something figher, P38 and an A20 with ease

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I also miss the tankā€™s front machine gun, itā€™s not active, it should be left for some player to use it

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@1942786 Personally, I wouldnā€™t mind having to travel further distances on foot if you did expand the maps. I think itā€™ll add to the realism of war that the game is trying to achieve. It would also give defenders more time to set up fortifications, utilize shovels to dig holes (because right now theyā€™re useless, not enough time between objectives to dig before the enemy is upon me again). Right now the game feels too fast-paced with zero tactics or thought involved.

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Premium Squads gets some Love?
Theres to much to translate, its 7a.m. My Brain sleep.

Someone say i can Equipp them, because they get their own Place?
We get Techtree for them?

Hell i do not fly till Fallschirmsoldaten arrives in ENLiSTED.

A little off-topic but if a plane gets a wing or tail blown off and then starts to go in a nosedive or spin out of control, does that prevent the pilot from exiting the plane? This has happened multiple times to me and now Iā€™m starting to wonder if it is just a glitch because one time my plane caught fire and started to slowly tilt down. But for some reason, I was unable to exit the plane even though it wasnā€™t spinning yet.

Just to be clear, I understand that I canā€™t just jump out of a plane that is spinning out of control but at least give me a chance to jump from a plan that I still have some control over.

I know right? Just yesterday I was playing as the Allies and in the starter plane that I upgraded three times and it took a reload to take down a Axis pay-to-win plane and only just barely. The Allied American planes in real life did have a lot more armor than other planes but traded that for air speed. But in this game, all of the planes seem to go the same speed.

Rubish, followed by drivel

Will the JU-188 have multiple firing chambers and possibly the ability to use an automatic shooter?

Please, for the love of god, if youā€™re going to add aircraft gunners then please also fix the absolutely atrocious damagemodels, flightmodels and hitregistration for aircraft.

7.62mm does more damage to a plane than 20mm MG 151.


Yes AI small arms is the best AA in game
Watch how an Springfield totally rip my planes tail apart ^^


Not just that bots for some reason have a XX% chance to instant-snipe you out of your plane, or blacken your wings with smallarms is bad.

The only aircraft weapons that seem to remotely function are the ones with high volume of fire (7.62 ShKas for Russians, 7.7 Browning in Brits, 12.7mm Browning USA) meanwhile german guns donā€™t even register as hits on a plane unless youā€™re flying right behind them and aiming above the plane.

When you turnfight somebody the shots donā€™t even register AT ALL. Iā€™ve been playing planes a lot since pre-alpha and while there have been improvements it still feels worse than warthunder in 2013 lmao.

Yeah and they can snipe you thru the whole hull of an bomber to in to the cockpit xD Hopefully they fix it asap

This update is live now? Because i canā€™t see any change in my plane.