Aircraft Gunners

cant agree with that but some armor are just dodgy af. Could be that some 20mm pack HE asw from what ive noticed and sometimes even blown away the tails of the planes. Would be nice to know which ones and color the ammo in the UI if thats the case that is

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I was exaggerating a bit to push the point.

Itā€™s not a matter of ā€œGermany suffersā€ because 30mm on the other hand kick butts here and there.

But man, the ineffectiveness of MG151s is embarrassing.


But yeah its fair and to be even moreā€¦ those planes can also tank 5 shots of 37mm that explodes by their sensitive parts to add and nothing happens which says something

How ever there are also an balance to be maintained so its some what forgiving when it comes to over all (Normandy) for me. Sometimes you crit them like nothing with the 20s, sometimes you can hammer them all dayā€¦Its give or take at times

Heres is one exampleā€¦and ive done this to every plane they got to. Even P47 once which was dropping my jaw a bit since that thing can tank tons but its also as agile as an small refrigerator xD Maybe not the best example but still you can crit most planes pretty fast if you got good shots in.
IL2 in Moscow how ever is just to much!


It is nice, however, in current situation planes are way too durable on their own.
This would not change anything on the situation, only possibly make life of lighter pilots even harder than it already is.

Change in this aspect is needed, such as finding balance between ā€œridiculously fragile CATā€ kind of planes, and ā€œridiculously durable CBT/OBTā€ planes we have now.


Work on AI is long and continuous, in fact, most likely goes parallel to the development of other things, on the contrary, tail gunners were requested and planned since CAT.
IMO it is a good thing that this will finally be behind us.

It is not like entire development team stopped on AI or whatever they are working on just to implement bunch of gunner seats.


ā€¦ same as Russians with dp27 and allies with Bren (and hopefully soon 1919).

Allied main? :upside_down_face:

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Im starting to like you guys again, let alone my wallet.

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Oh IĀ“m sure we will get more soldiersā€¦ but probably not the way we hoped forā€¦
Soon we might actually have 7 LMG armed soldiers running around and massacring everything that dares to spawn just like in CBT instead of requested F2P squad composition clone (with specialists armed just like F2P counterparts).

I would be very (pleasantly) surprised if it wont end up the way I fear it might.


At least they are are aware of the issue. Thats not really something which is common here.
Babysteps. Just a enginner with rifle is more than enough here and already more than I expect here since they got overnerfed.
(And because the only one here who wants that is Woody and never ever is anyone going to listen to him. Not even woody really listens to his crap)


It is not really about some sort of absolutely delusional woodyguy, or trollfishes. As @40946585 (probably) pointed out, the vision of fast money grabs might cloud the judgement when trying to rehabilitate premium squads. Since Lewis/MG13 squad having 5 LMGs I canĀ“t help it but be rather pesimistic about the result on how far it will go.

However, something needs to be done with them, for sure.


You know what I find funny about the 5x lmg squads? Some people who are strong militants of sf restrictions are sad theyā€™re not on sale at the moment like other premium squads.

So sadly, yeahā€¦ they probably make a ton of money from those dishonest peoplesā€¦


I be totally honest here, to me all the premium squads are way to expensive, with to little gain. But damn that MG13 squad ā€¦ I feel the itch and I never did before. By the amount of times I encountered them in-game since they were added it feels like quite some people bought them.
And yeah, if stuff like that sells better than the other stuff it is only logical to assume that more of that is coming, because it generates MUNEH and everyone wants MOAH MONEH.
This are my personal assumptions and not fact. Also I do not mean that as a offense, it is just business as usual.

Edith says this was meant as a reply to @47094123

Iā€™ve been waiting for this update for a long time, congratulations for the work!
things I hope to see in the game and really hope to see are improved engine sounds of the tanks, passing realism in the sound of each vehicle of each nation, reticle of tanks similar to the real of each nation, a small nerf in the number of tnt taken by squads to pass a level of immersion and weight in the war, after all not all soldiers carried this type of equipment, but squads focused on tank destruction, do not think that not all soldiers carrying a tnt the tank will be immortal, today it is very It is common for an armored vehicle to be destroyed by an enemy plane or tanks, apart from the importance of the anti tank squad, you donā€™t need to fire just one shot and explode, just hit the fuel tank and disable the tank, I dream of also seeing trucks and armored vehicles for transport of troops, armored anti-aircraft and even the female squad that has already been promised, will be cool.

new events bringing some old premium armored as prizes, more free content, knowing how to prune a little excess premium content, as the game is at the beginning, itā€™s good to bring a large audience and release premium vehicles little by little, another important thing is not to limit the tank only to premium, but to give the possibility to obtain it in other ways that require time, I know that grinding is not cool but leaving a unique version of the armored for premium and another version for the public free would be interesting.

I have them and currently use them in my Moscow grind meta (sole Premium ā€œengineerā€ squad as the engineer squads there are too boring for my wallet). Im a retarded whale after all. I even own the stupid U2 for some reason.
Couldnt care less if they turn the engie into a actual engineer, would appreciate it. The Winchester/ Berdan meme is better anyway.

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Obvious skill imbalance is not an issue that needs the game to be changed.

God damn - how come the ones get rekted by arenā€™t these ones??

But then very glad the one I occasionally use arenā€™t these pathetic cases ā€¦

i do own 35-40 premium squads across all campaigns, and i wont buy the mg13/lewis one . hell fucking no.

goes against everything i want on the premium squads.

either :

Option to have more soldiers like a free squad
or Add extra slot/multiple to have diferent soldier slots with free 2 play weapons, where only 4 soldiers (premium base ones) earn extra xp.

no 5 man with MGā€™s. for fuck sake.


Iā€™m not calling any sort of bias or imbalance, mind you. Yet I know darn too well that what is picked from WT can be accidentally broken.

The main culprit in Enlisted appears to be the German 20mm vs IL-2s, but Iā€™m inclined to blame it on something wrong in ammo coding

Aircraft ammo in WT (and therefore, I assume, here) have a myriad of parameters in terms of penetration, kinetic damage, fuze sensitivity, explosive mass, explosion damage and radius, shrapnels (number, damage, come, etc), chance of fire ignition, and probably others that Iā€™m forgetting. All of those are often set to sub-decimal values; so a mere typo somewhere in placing a comma or number of zeroes can end up affecting the final damage output by a whole order of magnitude.

Couple an accidentally underperforming ammunition with wonky / spongy DM and armor of the target, and here you have a plane tanking an absurd amount of hits, while maybe the Devs didnā€™t even intend that to happen, because of a TYPO that may only get discovered or fixed months later.

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Nobody mentions that MG151 in Premium planes work quite well. Another proof that devs are always knowing what they are doing.