Aircraft Carriers

one or two

why not enterprize? i mean, Squads coming out this update mostly would been enterprize ones I supposed. well I know Saratoga is one of the famous and survived, but y know.

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Curious, What type of radio bombers weā€™ll see in the Pacific? Intercepting them may be the fighterā€™s task

Points in favor and comments on the update and additional features:

This first preview is an excellent enhancement to the Enlisted pilot experience. Just as the battles of the Pacific were among the most important in the history of air warfare in World War II.

The following is suggested:

1- To facilitate the playability of those inexperienced pilots, planes can be allowed to fly close enough to the carrier and still get ammunition, without having to land. For veteran pilots, the option to land will be an additional advantage, as it will give them the opportunity to repair the aircraft if it is in bad conditions during the gameplay.

2- Some missions in the different campaigns have or have runways that would be good places to enable this same feature to repair the plane, in those that do not have this feature, some improvised runway will work well, to identify these places add mark on the map visible to pilots with wrench icon or hangar, and place these runways to a location half the distance of the usual refueling points, given the added difficulty to encourage its use. In addition some specific missions have exit to the sea, allowing to place the aircraft carrier in that place, to allow the landing of repairs, for example campaign for both sides in Tunisia, for Germany in Moscow, for the USSR in Berlin, for the Americans in Normandy. Or those in which their use was necessary in the actual history of the battle.

Some campaigns already have these airstrips, like Tunisia or Normandy. Others have an exit to the sea, and some battleships placed there, which can be complemented with aircraft carriers.

Thatā€™s all for now, many successes in this great work.


Still all

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Can a player who lands on a plane redeploy as an infantry without losing any points? Or he could still only just kill himself on the deck?


I guess they probably already had a mostly or fully completed model of the Saratoga much more readily available than Enterprise.

Hey Keofox, what does the post mean by ā€œPacific Air Missionsā€? Does this refer to just spawning in a plane as usual or something else? Thanks.

you noticed)


So a esc suicide, next plane, will still be a better option right?..

Glad to see the pilots hand on the right position tho.


That is very cool indeed!

a few questions tho:

  1. Can they be destroyed?

  2. In order to rearm, do you have to land?

I hope they can be destroyed tho, cant wait to Dick Best those jap carriers with my SBD

Like here:

This does give a great opportunity to add naval ships.

Like add some battleships or cruisers that could lay down very heavy fire upon called positions by radio operator.

Adding planes who have torpedoes, even small torpedo boats, dive bombers and so on. Could be super cool and spice up the gameplay


Or fix suicide bombing finally by not giving any kills if you crash

Just like it used to be


Thatā€™s not even what I stated.

Drop bombs
Get xp
Wait few seconds to avoid spawn penalty

There is no way to fix this as I stated. You are credited by the kills you make and just. Suicide after.

Removing the xp this makes, will only hurt low level players and people that need xp. Not guys like me.

I donā€™t give a shit about xp or kills. I make them either way faster than most. No change will affect me but I can clearly see that would hurt more the ones that need it than the ones that die from it.


They just want to redeploy as infantry

Yeah well could probably fix it by giving the kills if you land on the carrier, or get shot down by another plane, but not by your own hand

Well this is cool and all but what about a matchmaking system? Itā€™s kinda really important to have and the vast majority of people I see on the forums are complaining about it. This is the only FPS game I have seen that doesnā€™t have it

i see this going one of two ways

  1. you are not required to land on the carrier to rearm, only if you need to repair . in this case its a pretty cool and interesting addition


  1. you need to land to rearm, which would make plane gameplay almost exclusively suicide bombing since it would just not be worth your time to rearm

Judging by the post in Russian, all plane spawns in the pacific campaign.

However, would be nice to have some maps with actual airfields.

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and you crash while landing because you have no experience doing it :rofl:. I mean iā€™ve landed a couple of times in training, but never on a landing strip. And even that is a 50-50 affair, now they want us to land on a carrier with little to no experience in landing.



I m Prety sure that on end game marches getting kills or xp means nothing.

A fix you request would only hurt the ones that need xp.

People like me that already have everything unlocked, xp and or kills on a scoreboard mean nothing. So we would keep doing it as much or the same as now.