AI tanks

The new ai tanks are really fun to see but sometimes they get stuck into weird places

Also i am making an list of the tanks AI can use. so far here are tanks that i have seen:

T34 1940 and t34 1941 in rzhev

Panzer 4 f2 and panzer 4g in rzhev

Will update the list when my laptop stops crashing


So tank slots will be occupied not only by noobs who take Pz II C to BR5, but also AI now?

How is this an improvement?


It is cool for modders atleast. But in my opinion ai should not fill slots


Tell me if they work as i can imagine or if is just trash

They get sometimes stuck but overall quite good. I have seen the kill other tanks aswell. Still needs some tweaks


These were my thoughts. You only get two tanks out at a time as it is, and tanks are already the strongest unit out there. I truly hope I do not see them (on either side) of an actual PVP/non-custom match.

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Some updates:

Sherman 2 in tunisia

Panzer 4f2 and g in tunisia

M4a1 in pacific

Chi nu in pacific

M4a1 in normandy

Panzer 4j and h in normandy

In conclusion ( some might be wrong the info is based on my experience ):

the bots always use br 3 tanks ( except panzer 4h).

The bots seem to only bring 1 tank in total leaving the second slot for the player.

They dont use machineguns and always use the first shell in the tank.

They aim in the center when facing enemy armour.

They are also always shooting at the kubelwagens
and other empty vehicles on the map.

The ai soldiers abandon the tank if they dont kill enought enemies. This prevents them to be stuck forever. They will also immediately leave the tank if it catches on fire.

The ai will spawn their tank in a specific order taking the worse tank first. For an example t34 1940 and then t 34 1941.

The ai will never use tank as their first spawn


it’s quite a significant improvement as AI will occupy a tank slot. allowing another human to use his/her own tank.

but in multiplayer will be much rare since AI aren’t as common as people believe.

+, for customs.

which i have been asking since day one.

being able to make larger tank battles and many other things.

yeah, because that depends from what each profiles have been setted up to.

and sounds like they went for a middle way.

which it’s strange because they do have different br bots presets and for different campaigns too.

but perhaps, this is just an initial preset and will change over time.


It’s lame that they take tank slot of the player. They should be able to spawn them even if we have 2 slots occupied. There should be 2-5 bot squads in each team to populate maps more and they would be able to spawn two more tanks, so 2 player tanks and 2 bot tanks.


AI tanks, cool! I cant wait.
Next: AI planes too!

Instead of taking a single slot of our tankers i would propose a new ability for the radioman - To call a single Ai tank to the battlefield over the 2/2 tank slot cap.

Kills that the ai tanker does will be awarded for you however xp/silver award from those will be capped at 1500 score so you won’t be able to just go afk and do nothing.

Radioman also should be able to call some temporal ai infantry squads to the battlefield for your team once every few minutes.


Next: AI can run.


Next: AI can lean, sing and hump your dead bodies.


It is good. People will finally start to use planes.


it good for achievement hunter i think since destroying tank with engy building is kinda annoying imo

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You’re doing the Lord’s work my man

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But how “allowing”?

Let’s say I want to spawn a tank, but the slot(s) is (are) occupied by AI tanking crews.

This should be allowed for mods but not for real games, imo.

Two Tiger 2s controlled by humans are not the same as one of the squads being AI for the team.

that will not happen.

because first and foremost, people in MP will always spawn tanks.
across all brs.

so, no AI will steal your slot.

second of all, even if that happens, if they won’t find anything, they will pretty much self destruct if they will not find any target.

it’s a safe system in order to still provide tanks in custom games AND those very few occasions that happens where no team spawned a tank.

matter of fact, it’s even a long term improvement for when the game will be ultimately closed, and only the editor will be playable through local.

agree to disagree

they will need alot of tweaks, no doubt about that.

but it’s an interesting base and a foundation for something.

many things actually.

for example, the foundation of a gamemode. or, as a secondary objective.
or even the start for official PVEs matchmaking.

who knows. possibilities are limitless.

and i don’t see why something that they spent time in making, should be restricted to customs.


I mean, if it’s not a detriment to the gaming experience, sure.

I’m just concerned about issues like “enemy has an IS-2 shelling our objective, let me spawn my Tiger 2H and I can deal with it, oh wait 1st tank slot is occupied by a clueless noob who is exploring the map in his T-60 in Berlin and 2nd tank slot is occupied by AI on its Pz IV J trying to cross a pavement”


Underwhelming at BR5 and over kill for BR1. I hope DF will adjust the tanks used by AI.

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