AI tanks

What Erika said here after a bit as everyone reported tank crew always bail out in case they can’t get kill, tank stuck or tank is damaged, its a safe system, also matches are always full of people spamming tank even in map like “Berlin train station conquest”

Next ai Plane :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well ai tanks only task rn is to be cannon fodder just like infantry. They only exist to spice up gameplay in less populated servers. Pretty much anyone can deal with an ai tank unless you have some t60 or ta se that cant pen. I literally stood in front of the barrel and it didnt shoot


That might be true when facing Panzer IVs or Japanese tanks that have overall weak protection thus even BR1 A13/T-26 tanks can deal with them, but Ha-Go or Panzer III E will be in trouble against a sherman or T-34.

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Lol, was this why in some games you could see tank graveyards at the exits?

I don’t like the AI tankers tbh.

Also how does it work? Do they only spawn when there’s no tankers on the team for a certain amount of time?

What if 2 players want to tank?

Human wants should be prioritized over bots that can’t feel emotion


I would love if this feature was + 1- 2 Permabot slots that always use light/medium tanks. Not using players slots…

just adds to the scale and epic ambience

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had different experience over berlin.

had an AI which used HE on a capzone.

btw, they do use PZ IV H

also, you wouldn’t believe me, but try it.

try to place a mine in the pass of a tank.

they will drive by and shoot the actual mine :joy:

those ai are learning.

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i know!

i placed a mine just to test this theory, and the t34 went around the corner at full speed, shoot the mine while turning, and blowed it up, so he could pass safely.

i’ll might make a recording of it.

EDIT: i made a second test, and they blowed up.

so, it appears, if they are looking directly at the mine, they will fire it. if the turret is looking elsewhere, they will blow up.

still, pretty impressive nevertheless



Joke aside hand down AI tanker better than 90% of the playerbase here


they absolutely do.

they roam around, engage other tanks, just marvelous.

can’t wait to adapt them for my mods.

anyway, a bit uncanny to see volkssturms with US frog camo :joy:


I have a question, AI tanker can repair everything from inside? :thinking:

AIs at this current moment in time, are unable to repair vehicles.

they will abandoned it at first damage.
tracks, engine, weapon etc.

they will scatter as soon as they get hit by an anti tank weapons or damaged by actual tanks.

which somewhat sucks from a gameplay perspective, but arguably realistic for the immersion side.

it sometimes leads to funny situation.
where you damaged their tank, and you’re still reloading your at gun, the chads AI tankers will jumps out to beat you up with their pistols.

awkward and funny at the same time.

and as a plus, i love seeing tankers on the front line on berlin.
granted, would have been better give them better weapons, but i’ll might come up with new profiles for bots if i have time ( which i don’t ) but we’ll see.


Also an interesting thing i noticed was that the AI crewmen of the tunisian panzer 4g were italians. Maybe we could get some italian ai tanks for variety