After the merge. How do you plan to make buildable pak40 and pak38 works in the same map?

Complete lack of ability to counter something would = No AA guns.

But they “would” have aa guns. Ability to counter is still there, just not the Best AA guns.

So while Soviet AA might not be on the level (Im not convinced its bad anyway), Their fighters and attackers are quite excellent in this role, and not to mention their stenghts in other areas like CQC or armour. (depending on what campaign and level we are talking about)

Sort of a bit like most campaigns have had to compensate their tank not being great at anti tank duties (compaired to their opposition) with Air to ground attack or strong hand held AT focus.

This is what I appreciate. you might be the underdog in a particular area, but you can go another route to deal with it, no problem.

But their AA guns would be so ineffective comparatively if the devs decided to implement more than just the single barrel ~20mms that they might as well not exist. The single barrel situation we have right now is more akin to what you are describing, with the soviet AA gun being sub par, but the faction overall making up for it in other ways.

Lol find a better excuse if you want to anti BR. Those gun was already separated by campaign. Why should BR take the blame?

Goddamned stupid BR never responsible.

No one is stopping you from playing the BR game in your dreams.

Please note that the partition this thread is located.

Existed custom game where all weapons can work together.

And the goddamned BR system could ruin that, which is one of the case what the title describing

Wrong, they had triple mounts:

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Wasn’t able to find that picture. Still, that doesn’t really match the M45, and Japan gets left completely out to dry if you go down this route.

Is that the 14.5 triple? I couldnt find it for ww2.

I know there is a quad around alot after

No that is a triple DShK mount under the name TKB-149, the photo was taken in Moscow 1941.

Here is another picture:

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Lol most people on this forum agree about the BR.
Stop getting butthurt.

Lol, the only mention of custom game is this post that you are replying me.

Why BR will ruin custom game? I mean that is a custom game right? So you can customize the setting that you want. Right now we can set the custom game for allowing multiple campaigns, so after the merge we will probably have the ability to allow people from multiple br to fight each other in custom game.

Oh ho, another “core” player who claims to represent the majority is here again to guide us “minorities”

Without implement of such probably, BR would make the case of the title broken.

That Why.

You answer it yourself.

What do you call coming here and Shouting about not coming up with solutions around the case of the title?

Are you afraid of people talking about the disadvantages of BR or what?

Lol it is you assume that there is no such mechanic. You just simply complain when dev haven’t release further information about the custom game rework.

Nope, but the thing you are talking about is not the problem of the BR system. It is about how the new custom game will be implemented. You are just connecting two unrelated things together to anti BR.

How come they are not related?

We don’t have any mechanics for engineers to use different structures.

If BR will cause different types of AT to not appear at the same time in the same game.

Of course you can assume there is some mechanism that allows players to choose their builds, and that’s what this thread is about.

It is assumed here that the player is set to a different AT by the system when entering BR.

This will cause pak38 and pak40 to not appear at the same time?

And I don’t know what they’re going to do for the custom games. That’s why i have Question here

Apparently BR in custom games doesn’t work. (This is the anti-BR part.)

You never addressed my questions, instead you are here crying and yelling as if blaming BR for hurting you.

You just need to answer how to implement it

i hate having pointless arguments

I tried to set different types of buildings and building quantities for building_tools of different campaigns in the map

Obviously with the merger and the arrival of BR, such balancing measures will be broken.

I don’t know what modifications they will make to building_tools.

And how do players choose pak38 and pak40 to enter the same game?

The solution I want most is the score mech of CRSED. maybe something related to the personalSpawnCost

Players build pak38 costs 50 material points, while building pak40 costs 75 material points

This is one of the solution I’m hoping for.

In the meantime I can live with their solution of building different types of ATs with different ranks of engineer squads. As mentioned above

In such case it does not conflict with BR. It does not affect you from playing the BR game of your dreams.

There is already no such mechanic at the moment. So this is not the BR’s fault.

What do you mean by appearing the same time? If you mean by something like current situation that player from Berlin use Pak40, Normandy use Pak38. They can just use the at gun determined by their personal br.
If you mean build pak 38 and pak40 at the same time, refer to the statement on top.

Wow, you never mentioned anything about custom game in your initial post.

This is thread is in the MOD partition at the most beginning

So what? Those people are not talking about MOD. They are assuming you are talking about normal match making.

I’m always on the first topic and you’re here yelling.

then you are still digressing, even in the next reply you are writing

lol, keep saying people yelling. No meaningful things to say?
And you didn’t even want to reply those word I wrote on top, you are just ignoring it by replying it with this is on the mod section, no word to defend your theory?


I can accept this, but how will I balance players with different BRs? How do I balance pak38 and pak40?

If I don’t balance players with different BRs, it means that low-level players will inevitably be replaced by high-level players, which results in low BR and high BR not being able to coexist in the same game.

If players can choose pak40 then why should they choose pak38?

I think there is a possible way, which is to invert,

for example, the player with low BR gets pak40 and the player with high BR gets pak38. But I think such implementation is lame.

BR itself is used to divide players try to create balance, but now I need to balance different BRs.

This is the anti-BR thing.

Compared to trying to patch up a crappy BR.

i still want this