After the merge. How do you plan to make buildable pak40 and pak38 works in the same map?

I would suspect that 37mm and higher would near 1 shot planes. And with a lead indicator how hard can that be.

Now that ive said that that…dont want them

In theory the 37mm should, assuming it preforms like other 37mms in game. However, I have seen Bf 110s and P-63s chase planes and not land a single shot with their 37mms while flying from behind. How much harder do you think it will be when you can’t simply chase down the enemy plane, and have basically a single window to take down the plane? For larger planes like a Ju 188 or A-20, it may actually be better, but for the more commonly complained about things like the P-47 and the IL-2, it will very likely be an inferior option.

Well, i shoot planes down all the time with those planes…they are lethal…

Shooting planes from the ground is almost easier…because they come to you, and dont know your there until you start firing. If you wait till they are commited and close, hits are easy

If they fly straight at you sure, but a lot of the time planes do funny things like fly around and attack you from behind, dive on you from really far up or fly at an odd deflection angle, that complicates things.

Oh Im not talking about diving on you.

They will just be making a generic run becuase they dont now your there.

Its handy having 2 AA guns to build because once you have given you position away, that becomes the bait and you go to your second AA. Works like a charm on even the most dangerous pilots.

If they know youre there, you are in trouble lol, should have moved :rofl:

Tbf, German has MG34 AA, MG131, MG131 zilling, Flak 2cm(up to 4 barrels), 3.7cm(up to 2 barrels), 5cm(up to 2 barrels), 8.8cm, 10.5cm, 12.8cm and 12.8cm Zilling for AA

They even mount a 30mm Mk108 on the Marder as improvised SPAA

Last I checked the MG 34 was a single gun mount, the MG 131 was a triple mount at most and the 37mm cannons have their own problems I mentioned earlier. Furthermore, the Americans get screwed because they also don’t have multiple gun mounts for the 1919, and the Russians get screwed if you go the .50 cal route because they don’t have the multiple gun mount for the DhsK. So regardless of what you try, so long as you want faction specific AA, single barrel ~20mm will be the only real choice.

Not everyone nor everything needs a 1:1 equivalent. If they don’t have it, they just don’t have it


For anything else, that might be a fair argument. For engineer constructs, if one side has a significantly better engineer construct than the other, then we start having issues, especially with AA because it is realistically the only real way for infantry to fight aircraft.

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I feel like Quad maxims or dual 25mms would wreck personally though, while being alot of fun haha.’ Then there is always lend lease.



The original question was how to get pak40 and pak38 to work on the same map / same match.

I think it would be too clunky but you “could” build a pak 38, then use hammer to upgrade it to pak 40 if the need arises, costing more of your supplies.

I think the upgrade is kind of weird

I cam accept they keep this vanilla solution

Yeah…I dont think I like it either. just brainstorming

Either dynamic by BR, or squad dependent is okay by me

I like the idea of different engineers squads being different from each other. Instead of “just another engineers squad” this one is unique in that it has; Assault Rifles (Moscow), another one has Bigger AT gun, another has Bigger AA gun (luftwaffe Engineer) etc etc.

The case of the main topic is anti-BR. Because stupid BR separates these things make them cant meet each orther.

How about adding options to rosewheeL, or a key to press to cycle through variants while in the placement phase. (like you press R to rotate, press insert key here to change variant of placeable)

gives you situational choices and you can add this function to all placeables to expand on them.

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I get what you’re saying but disagree. Each side has strengths and weaknesses; as they should. Each respective faction chose what armaments to pursue and neglect, I think that should be applied in game. I’m not interested in red vs blue rock ‘em, sock ‘em gameplay. Evaluate what you got and what you don’t then plan/play accordingly.

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one of the most enjoyable parts about assymetry (for me at least). Mirror matchups are quite the bore

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I feel that homie, more and more it looks like we’re becoming a dying breed

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Yes, but the complete or effective lack of ability to counter something for one faction while the other has it isn’t asymmetrical, it is just outright imbalanced.