After the merge. How do you plan to make buildable pak40 and pak38 works in the same map?

I was heard Enlisted is a diversity game.

How do you dev guys plan approach diversity in such case?


Nah they should remove both and add Raketenwerfer 43 or PaK 43 instead

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That’s some kind of naughty reply in my eyes.

answer score is 0

Id say that given some time, BR will effect emplacements.

AA, single, dual, quad
AT, 37MM, 50MM, 75MM (german, others will be different)



Literally they should give Better AT gun for Engis and AT squad

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There is a possibility that the AT team is Pak40 and the engineer is Pak38

And give to the USSR Zis-3 please

Too underpowered in late stage

In this direction I am all for adding a larger caliber

Under the situation that different weapons can appear at the same time~


There’s only 203mm we agree on.


1 minute reload moment

Those who had to drive IS-2 would be fine with this quick reload.


Engineer / Anti-tank from Moscow - PaK 38. Engineer / Anti-tank from Berlin - PaK 40.

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The issue with this is some nations straight up don’t have the appropriate mounts, Namely Russia which just has the single gun mounts, but Japan also caps out at a double mount. The US also technically doesn’t have a quad mount, but since it is borrowing the Polstein, they might be able to steal some commonwealth variants. Or they can get the M45 and make the German players whine for a very long time.

I mean the german had quad 20mm

Using Germany as an example, what I would like is a battlefield that corresponds to the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, the pre-Tunis campaign, and the early part of WWII, with first order engineers using 37mm anti-tank guns. First order demolition troops using 50mm pak38 anti-tank guns.
In the middle of the game, from late Stalingrad to late Tunis to Normandy, 2nd level engineers use the leig 75mm infantry gun, and 2nd level demolition units use the 75mm pak40 anti-tank gun.
In the late game, late Normandy ~ Berlin campaign, level 3 engineers use the IG37 75mm infantry gun and level 3 demolition troops use the 88mm Pak43 anti-tank gun.
For 4th and 5th rank regiments, they have APHECBC , Semi-AP or special munitions such as gas grenades, white phosphorus smoke grenades。 Or they have artillery positions with special bunker structures.

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And what does everyone else get?

US has quad .50 and USSR has Quad Maxim lmao

For equivalent? Not really, german has more variety for AA due their mid-late war production unlike other country

You could go up in calibre to compensate.
25mm, 37mm, 40mm etc

None of those really stack up to the quad 20mm, and if you go down in caliber, then Germany or other nations lose their equivalents.

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The larger the caliber the gun is, the worse it would preform in this game. Larger calibers fire slower both in terms of ROF and projectile speed, and thus makes it significantly harder to hit anything. This is partially why the Russian 25mm in game is considered to be the worse AA gun.