Adding to all campaigns!

isnt the piat already a thing in tunisia?

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Yeah. It feels like Ofenrohr is a lazy copy+paste filler or they dont have a proper campaign roadmap (since Panzerfaust faces M1 in Normandy too).
Or both :thinking:

def. i agree with that.
more ways to monetize ofc would open more ways to make a trade .
but would make owning said premiums even less unique/worth than currently are. ence why, some cosmetics, should , in my opinion, stay reserved just for a selected number of vehicles / squads.

why for example: … you can own a paintjob now exacly like the premium tank in tunisia :

making the premium one, just a sidegrade for a 100% xp. uniqueness? none. worth? even less.

that’s kinda the point of buying premium.

you get more xps and guys that you don’t really have to grind nor upgrade.

so that’s what you are buying for.

when it comes to infantry squads, they should instead allow ( kinda like they started. because stalingrad cosmetic i have to remind you that has premium element from other campaigns ) but they stopped half way there.

not good.

beside, the uniqueness can still be in the gun since you can’t give those away.

hence, at least cosmetics would be beneficial for everyone.
( and allow who bought premium squads to use them on other non prem squad. win win situation )

i see.

The Panzer IV Heat, the Firefly or the Berlin Assaulters wanna talk about that.
Most of the time yes but sometimes Df is a bitch.

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good point.

so yeah. sometimes goes alot further than a simple skin.
( or give you stuff to skip grind )

In my opinion, the customization that the Premium Squads get should be unlocked for free for the regular squads, as we’ve already payed $30 to $60 for the squad.

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would disagree again based on previous comments of “uniqueness? none”

but thats just my opinion.

Well, if they’re doing dumb stuff like making the premium tank be in the line of progression, they may as well put premium weapons in the line of progression too.

some of them are traded on same campaign and or seen on multiple ones.

like m1941 johnson rifle, bareta m1938 etc etc. and now again, the johnson in tunisia and the zb29

so we might expect more examples in the future .

Generally speaking I’ve been supportive of Enlisted , but this update bugs me, a lot.

Moscow did not need more Automatics. At all.

The first revision of the Panzerschreck for Tunisia before we get something like that for Berlin where the real Heavy tanks are is absolutely ridiculous.

STG44 on Normandy before Berlin? You guys are doing a lot of things backwards and it’s making me lose faith.

I won’t even bother about the premiums. You’ve taken that too far for my tastes.

Sorry DF but I’m not happy with these changes and adds at all.


It’s just lazy and dumb, and it’s all because they abandoned the initial standard and what seemed like the concept for it. Premiums were initially weapons made in small quantity/prototype, were way older than what would appear, or were of another nation. For example, early premiums for Soviets in Moscow would be the Chauchat, the BA-11, the PPK-41, and the PPT-27. Funnily enough, this might be the only campaign that stuck with this standard. Gold Order vehicles are the only way to see unique versions of the vehicles in progression. And the weapons are still unique and prototypes, old, or have something unique to them.



I found the people who asked for the level 36 mortarman II squad


somehow ill be a must have for maps like goering strasse forest first point or any, open cap map in berlin

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M1 can pen everything axis has right now, axis has 50m max in armour for everything (PZ.III N premium has 70m armour but it’s premium)

Panzer IV’s getting spawn camped by BM-41’s while the point gets nuked by either an IS-2 shell or a RMN-50

immersion !

Still doesnt has it less pen and power than PIAT?