Adding to all campaigns!

massive skill issue.


we are also forgeting a few crutial things here.

its a level 39 gun
on a campaign most people are still spawning t60’s left and right and or pz2’s ,
most of us that will get it , will grind the level and forget moscow for a long long time. and move to pacific or grind 1 level on other campaigns asap just to build pacific for the remaining season time.

and mkb is more than capable to deal with fedorov’s
exhibit A:

and both, will be super “rare” to be seen on regular basis on moscow coz most people that play it , again, are still spaming t60s and pz2’s left and right.

you will see it , on players like me that spam shit left and right, but that will be 1 game in dozens.

also, i rather have the mkb in my hands than the fedorov. i enjoy both, i just prefer and kill way more with mkbs.

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Premium M3lee too

It’s also funny to see how many SMGs there are in Moscow compared to everything else. There are 5 Assaulter squads (including premiums) and two of the Gold Order weapons are SMGs. I don’t know if the German side has the same numbers.

exacly the same number.

still doesnt beat berlin in “automatic” fire capability.

Well, it used to be that they tried to make a focus on bolt actions, as you can see in the early campaign levels when the BT-7 was the best tank

t60 was always the best tank :smiley:

Well those with logic are complaining because it is just fucking dumb.

A. Not historical

B. Ruins gameplay

C. More interesting choices available

why the better cosmetics always get locked for premium squad.

that pisses me off. cuz we ain’t gonna get them with the normal customization.
you pay to have normal clothing that can be putted on your soldiers and can be considered mediocre at best while all the premium squads will get better stuff.

also, why not add medic squads for others campaign as well?

i guess the new toys are good, but…

this screams something very bad for me tbh.

so… all the suggestions that has been made about, and actual opinions has gone in the bin?


no offence, as i respect you all,
but i really hope for the next dev blogs to be a bit better.


can you guys please stop putting effing british squads as premium in normandy?
that’s really low even for you guys… let alone another stug putted behind paywall.
it’s the third in this game. what a terrible joke.


KV-1 in Moscow? You mean the T-34?

Worst levels ever!


The Mkb? didnt you guys cried too much about it which is why it has worse dispersion now than a machine gun (while AVT still has badass dispersion)?


oh sorry i mistake. i will delete.

can we get alternate history where soviets had their own land lease program to US? US desperately needs some high end smg that arent some version of thompson…

i mean… (coz i rememeber this one and other topics you did just from the top of my head :

maybe they do read suggestions. lol

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The panzerschreck in Tunisia is honestly the best thing in this update

clearly looks like they did not.

if you had read half of those suggestions my friend.

but i don’t really blain you.

i noticed that the averange attention span of forum user is decreasing each time.

can’t be mad either.

just, disappointed.

i do miss some i give you that .

but imo they should keep some cosmetics exclusive for premium squads. imo ofc.

and i feel will remain unatilized assets for half of the squad that no one will use.

hence why including them in the main cosmetic while being a bit more pricey than normal cosmetic would actually increase sales and allowing them to be used elsewhere rather than once in a while.

but we simply do not share the same view apparently.

Still dont get it why its on par with the M1.
PIAT would make more sense.