Add time limit to aircraft

Look at my screenshot again.

Does it look like I had any free time? I was constantly dogfighting. And still I managed to take down 2 tanks in between.

It’s not a good suggestion. It is what it is.

Use this instead. It’s a very good and well detailed suggestion for air play that would considerably boost gameplay while correcting some flaws:


Properly used suicide bombings can be very helpful on the battlefield
I once used suicide attacks to suppress an endless stream of King Tigers, aircraft and infantry in a short period of time.
This allows friendly forces to avoid being hit continuously by this thing.
Instead of spending a few minutes fighting with others in the sky to resupply and carry out the second strike.
At this time, teammates may have been wiped out 6 or 7 times.

as said above
This rule is to keep the truly valuable players on the plane
As long as you are strong enough it won’t have any impact

Rather than letting those incompetent spies hide on the plane and hinder other people’s gaming experience

I stopped reading after this.

It really validate WHY your suggestion shouldn’t be considered.

Then this confirms the solidification or corruption of your thoughts

Only selfish players who waste time on planes and let their friendly forces get slaughtered would think that.
They believe that only normal navigation, air combat and supply are correct.
Because they just need to stay on the plane and enjoy it and ignore the suffering on the ground

But in the eyes of these people
Suicide attacks are as heretical as anti-aircraft gun level fire and rifle grenades
Because they will be targeted
And it’s not in line with their preferred way of playing.

So they discredit these gameplays and promote ideas that facilitate their own selfish behavior.
Instead of effectively using game mechanics to create a safer combat environment for friendly forces
What could be more selfish than this?

So you do both plane cycling AND you rely on crutches to find infantry targets while unable to even use your MGs against them.

Your entire suggestion does not foot on a realistic evaluation of air play from a skilled player, but on “Mom said it’s my turn to use the plane!”

You. I have to call it out. This suggestion isn’t going anywhere and it sure shouldn’t.



Someone blatantly abusing a game design flaw that everyone tries to correct since forever (suicide bombing), calling OTHERS “selfish” :laughing:

You can’t make that up, forums are really entertaining!

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Must be why I am here more than I would like. Some of these schizophrenic posts and what not, are truly entertaining to watch.

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I disagree with timelimits. If you’re a bad pilot you generally will get called out by better pilots. More often than not, that pilot will bail or die shortly after. If hes a good pilot, other good pilots will just play an MG.

This is a much better suggestion.


Even thought I’m always up here…

I’d love to see those. Even if it’s “shooting myself in the foot” :stuck_out_tongue:

However. AA is ALREADY extremely powerful. The thing is that most players… just don’t look up. Even driving the twin 50cal usa vehicle, or the Ta Se… They STILL don’t look up.

But when they do… it’s one of my highest casualty cause. It’s extremely potent even vs fighters. The simple buildable AA gun obliterate all planes with ease now. It’s much better than when it did no damage to planes. Now 1 hit = 1 component lost.


I have found the M13 GMC is not that effective, it’s really frustrating missing everything despite the indicator.

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I havent played AA guns in a minute bc of that. I just got into a plane and shot him down lol. Im going to try it out when i get home from work. AA is that strong now?

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Well i just use any semi or lmg or Japanese’s semi AT Rifle, works as AA for me, if i haven’t built one :stuck_out_tongue:
and not most recent, i think/ but even a Mosin M91/30 Rifle :rofl:


Indeed. 1 20mm shot, 1 less wing. Great for bomber formations too.

Try aiming just ahead of the indicator, by a little. Lead marker follows the plane’s center mass. By being a lil ahead of it you will miss less, and perhaps even kill the poor pilot.

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It’s long overdue and it should have been done a long time ago

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If we’re going to add time limits, put them on the amount of time a tank can sit in the grey zone. That’s much more annoying than a player hogging up a plane.

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I hope your teammates get the aerial support they really deserve.
Instead of a (master) carrying out what he calls (effective tactics)