Add time limit to aircraft

I believe everyone has seen those
Taking up the plane for almost the entire game
But his killing ability is worse than AI
This bad behavior exists in almost all games
It is also one of the biggest reasons for the failure of the game (ineffective aerial firepower)
Friendly forces continue to come under brutal fire
But these selfish guys just want to hide on the plane all day long and hinder friendly forces.
Such acts of espionage and obstruction should be banned

Limit flight time
Unless they can effectively clear out enemies and fire units
For example
Count down 3 minutes after each birth
Killing more than 10 people adds 1 minute
Destroy the tank within 3 minutes
Destroy the aircraft within 3 minutes
Communication bombers do not add time (as they are a bonus point in themselves)

Otherwise these bad guys will continue to seriously affect the normal player experience

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Not a good precedent. Next would be kicking any player wasting a slot in the match for not building rallys, setting foot on the objective or getting less than 20 kills camping on the edge of the map

Which is over half the players in most matches (and this causes loss alot more than the plane situation)

Just have to accept it in a casual game


buff AA instead so I can shorten his flying time


actually not a bad idea :rofl:


Lol new team every 3 minutes lol

sounds good
But airplanes are a must for the top 30% of players
For the remaining 70%, just knowing how to move forward is enough

Why waste bullets on these selfish guys?
These selfish players drag down their teammates
Pushing the environment to a worse place
Officials must stop this vicious behavior
Instead of letting players take hits from all directions
A method that can be used to fight back is used by selfish people for espionage activities.

Add them to the game it will solve planes problem. Give them separate slot from tanks and apcs like bikers.

Soviets, and Japan would need better AA trucks too.


can you currently friendly fire planes? never tried

Haha if you are relying on the enemy to do it, after years of playing warthunder, I guarantee that most of the guys using these wont look up. They will be trying to shoot tanks or infantry lol

(by the way would love these and a slot to use them)

Shooting is ineffective
You have to destroy friendly aircraft by ramming them

These things can only fight against the enemy
What we need is to stop selfish teammates who are spying

You can friendly fire planes if I recall. Someone was complaining because they got kicked for killing a friendly plane. I’ve tried ramming but results vary, it sometimes works.

I recall that post but he was playing lonefighter in customs (hardcore)…i think

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Because I play fighter planes. And my job isn’t to accumulate the most “kills” possible, but instead the few kills that really count: other pilots.

I can often last the entire match in my fighter. But I provide air supremacy. There’s no enemy pilot that is safe when I fly because I seek them and the dogfights challenges like moth to a flame.

So. I might end up with less than 30 kills (most are tank crews). But I also end up with around 7 to 10 enemy pilots down.

And I’m not talking about bomber formations.

So. I don’t have to be punished when I fly well.


What a poor suggestion. You may get salty because you can’t pick the plane, but then I suggest you play Japan where the plane slot is always allotted at the start of the match. If you don’t get it, you can quit and someone else will be able to replace you (unlike in matches where planes spawn at 1:20)

I dare say I’m an experienced pilot, pilot probably makes up the bigger part of my total playtime. And I have to say that finding targets is HARD. You have extremely limited zoom in focused vision, you have obstacles not only covering enemies but also forcing you to pull back up from the ground at a higher altitude already, and you need to fly at max speed to have any chance at not getting hit by small arms fire.

Add to that that 7mm/12mm require headshots to kill. You need to hit targets MUCH smaller than what infantry sees, in MUCH less time than infantry has. I can strafe over the battlefield 3+ times without firing a single bullet because I don’t see infantry targets, or too late to still aim at them and not crash.

And trust me: Most pilots do not even try. They spam “Need enemy coordinates”, throw their ordnance at the capture point and call it a day.

Congratulations if you’re that much better at Air-to-Ground, but this rule would kick EVERYONE. Including experienced pilots like me, since so much of the difficulty in A2G comes from physical limitations and not lack of skill.


Latest minute example:

This time they did feed me with 2 bomber formations (a smart AA guy got some as well). the rest, are all p47 (and a tank firefly and Scott). Never managed to graze me… So I kept my buddies on the ground free of worries most of the time.

Only 20 registered “kills” thought.

Should I be punished for dominating the skies and protecting my team’s heads?


if you are powerful enough
Then the above time limit has no impact on you at all.
Because you are capable enough to continuously crush those key units
To keep your plane moving

Those spies can’t do this
They only drop bombs on the house next to the tank
Or hit the rocket on the ground where there is no one at all

You have aerial bombs that can effectively hit the ground
Unless you always miss the target

You have a 20MM machine gun that can fight against aircraft and light vehicles
Unless you always don’t attack them

Otherwise, the time limit mentioned above will not affect (normal-minded) players at all.

Most of the time I will rely on the distribution of teammates and the direction of the flash to judge the position.
Even predicting the enemy’s rebirth direction
Use the marking feature to search for tanks in several main directions
This allows me to effectively attack the enemy most of the time
I believe this is not a problem at all for (normally thinking) players

It’s just a bad idea. Ppl will fly LESS seriously in a more aggressive but ineffective way.

It also won’t stop suicide bombing, perhaps even encouraging it if players see planes as timed tools.

The suggestion is making 10 kills to remain in the air for additional minutes. In the last screenshot, I “only” took 20 men down in the course of the match. Yet I chased high value targets.


I believe that normal players will not lie in wait for more than 5 minutes at the enemy’s high-altitude respawn point just to sneak attack an aircraft or tank that will appear at an unknown time.
They should drop bombs on densely populated or high-value ground targets when they have free time to reduce ground pressure.