Add Manchuria campaign (1945)

Germans fight Soviets and Western Allies.
Western Allies - Germans and Japanese.
But - Soviets fight only Germans and Japan fights only USA.

This is what makes Germany and USA bigger and Soviets and Japan - minor factions.

With addition of Manchuria playerbase should be equally distributed among all factions :+1:

Also - new vehicles:


SIgh, this might actually be needed
But it seems both Japan and Germany aren’t doing too hot on EU servers currently, as I’m getting dumped there incessantly by the matchmaker :confused:

IS-3 won’t help at all, IS-2’s main problem is the long reload but IS-3 has even longer reload.
IS-3 is just pandora’s box for post war weapons.


Yeah, the main problem is that the developers can’t make the damage of all explosives in the game normal and half the time the damage just disappears.

A better solution would be to add t44 100 or just normal developer decisions. But they can’t make normal damage from the start of the game + they also added ricochets, which doesn’t add any pluses to 122mm cannon at all.

  • is 3 is simply impenetrable to WW2 guns because Soviet engineers thought SO WELL about rational armor angles that the tank of letters epitomizes the concept of using rational armor angles.

What’s funny is that if he is sent to fight against pattons, leopards and centurions with a normal gun, he will be a joke, and the Soviets will have normal tanks like t54, t55, t62 and so on by then…

And I would add the sssr more 5br airplanes, the sssr is doing sadly now. Su 6 and tu2s would be the best solution.

And the fact that IS-3 didn’t see combat in WW2 doesn’t help its a myth that IS3s were deployed to Manchuria. The first time IS-3 tanks took part in any fighting was in Hungary, in 1958
Since the IS-3 differed in many points from the previous designs, for the first time a major retooling was needed. This took time, and only in May 1945, the first three pre-series vehicles rolled out of the factory, to be thrown immediately into action in Germany, in the hands of an independent Guards Battalion. However, when they arrived, peace had already been signed.
By the time of the invasion of Manchuria in August, many more IS-3s were ready, but there is little evidence that they did participate in these events.
The participation of JS-3’s in Far Eastern Front battles (in August 1945) is still unverified: at least one tank regiment of JS-3 tanks was sent, but Soviet combat records don’t confirm any actual combat.
You know whats funny lack of soviet records cause every thing was recorded by soviets even German guns when I try to make a gun suggestion the first places I look are always soviet sources
You would think, as I do, that the Soviet Union would take the opportunity to battle-test them in Manchuria, but I’ve never found any evidence, one way or another.
As for me, I think that there was no need to use new and not very reliable, but quite expensive heavy tanks IS-3 in August 1945 during the battles with Japan. The huge amount of T-34s, IS-2 and old KVs could fight against Japanese defence lines with success.
IS-3 really took part in the Allied military parade in Berlin (7 September 1945) as the tanks of 71st Guard heavy tank regiment and impressed the American and British generals. 52 IS-3 took place on that parade in Berlin.

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I want manchuria, but without the IS3.


I am pretty convinced that community wants to japan suffer even more

Here, I made it even better


This would again make some factions (US + USRR) more and other (Ger + Jap) less populated :-1:


If making Japan more popular was your goal, I’m not sure letting them queue against Soviets is the way to achieve it.

Fantasy stuff, no thanks.

Manchuria on high BR with Ho Ri and fantasy Tokyo SMG stuff is ew anyway.

We need Khalkhin Gol for BR 1-2:
BT-7 and T-26 vs Chi-Ha and Ha-Go.




Japan is unpopular because they have the least stuff, only one set of maps and they only fight one enemy. So yes, I do believe giving Japan BR5 equipment and new maps and a new enemy to fight would boost their popularity. I could see a lot of people switching to Japan to unlock the new weapons and vehicles and try out the new maps


I really enjoy playing as the Japanese. But it’s true that it gets a bit tiresome when you keep playing the same maps (Pacific) against the same faction (USA). Having the opportunity to fight against the Soviet Union on both lower and higher tiers would be a great refreshment for the Japanese faction. I’m really looking forward to the conflict between the Soviets and the Samurais!


In the short term I’m sure Japan would get a big boost, especially as there is a rush to get the full auto Type-Hei we all assume they will have as a BR V rifle.
In the long term though, I don’t know if those match ups will be beneficial to the health of the Japan player base.

No thanks to O-I. That thing is larger than maus and it would be impossible to use in the cramped maps that we have. Also the soviets have the best infantry guns that would shred japanese. Khalkin gol would be much better and probably more balanced


And forgetting Japan absolutely sucks. What will Japan do against soviet armour. Germans have plenty of things.


I mean… this may not be a Manchuria Campaign, but I did make a mod based on the Soviet Invasion of Manchuria.


Now the shape is truly stable. Darkflow when.