New 5 br aircraft for the USSR


The same LA7, but with enhanced armament - 3 x 20 mm B-20S


literally an analogue of ju188, as a suspended armament, you can consider options 3 x 500 fab or 6 x 250 fab


as a payload, it is best suited for 5 br:

10 x M-13UK or - 2 x FAB-250

it is enough to simply transfer it from a neighboring project


Good post, it’s time to actually install something good for the Soviet Air Force.

And MIG-13

1- is a fighter.
2- He doesn’t have bombs.
3- He is not in war Thunder

This thing is an absolute beast and can win dogfights even against Bf 109s.

It can carry more when equipped with the lighter 23mm cannons;

With the 10 M-13UK rockets it can carry 4 50kg bombs:

10 M-13UK + 4 x FAB-50

And with the 2 250kg bombs it can carry 10 M-8 rockets:

2 x FAB-250 + 10 x M-8

Poor rockets, but 50 kg is not needed

If you let them win at 109 g or k, you are doing something wrong.
Moreover, you can add the g55 series; at the moment, Fiat is literally the best 4-5 brigade fighter.

10 rockets, even if small, increase the overall damage you can do in one run, dump the rockets on enemy infantry and then hunt a tank with the 250kg bombs.

The M-13 rockets are HE and will sometimes struggle with heavier tanks, you can use the 4 50 kg bombs to finish it off.

There is no reason why extra ordnance would be bad, especially when its so light.