Add Hungary as an Axis sub-faction

The Hungarians played a significant role in the Eastern Front of WW2, and I think they’d make a great addition as a sub-faction for the Axis.






39.M Csaba
Hull: 20/13/9
Turret: 33/13/13
Armament: 20 mm QF 36M Solothurn Autocannon, 8 mm 34/40M machine gun (1x)
Speed: 66 km/h
Crew: 4
Suggested BR: I


38/42.M Toldi IIA
Hull: 20/13/9
Turret: 33/13/13
Armament: 40 mm 37/42M cannon, 8 mm 34/40M machine gun (1x)
Speed: 47 km/h
Crew: 3
Suggested BR: I

38.M Toldi páncélvadász
Hull: 20/13/9
Turret: 11/6/0
Armament: 7.5 cm (2.95 in) Pak 40/2 L/46 cannon
Speed: 45 km/h
Crew: 3
Suggested BR: II

40.M Turan
Hull: 50/25/25
Turret: 50/25/25
Armament: 40 mm MAVAG 41.M 40/51 cannon, 8 mm 34/40M machine gun (2x)
Speed: 44 km/h
Crew: 5
Suggested BR: II


43.M Turan III
Hull: 50/35/35
Turret: 75/35/25
Armament: 75 mm 43.M cannon, 8 mm 34/40M machine gun (2x)
Speed: 44 km/h
Crew: 5
Suggested BR: III

44.M Tas
Hull: 120/50/100
Turret: 200/100/100
Armament: 80 mm 29/44M Bofors/DIMÁVAG L/58 cannon, 8mm 34/40M machine gun (1-2x)
Speed: 45 km/h
Crew: 5
Suggested BR: IV or V



Paratroopers of the Szent Lászlo Division armed with a faster firing upgrade to the Kiraly with a folding stock. Good for BR IV or V.

Engineer Squad

DF removed my beloved Mannlicher M93 because they hate me and want me to suffer. I think this would be a cool (and easy) way to bring the weapon back. Fun lil BR1 squad.

40M Nimród


Hull: 13/13/12
Turret: 10/10/10
Armament: 40 mm Bofors L/60 autocannon
Speed: 50 km/h
Crew: 4-6
Suggested BR: II or III


there would have been a time where most likely, i would have said not.

but after all, new content isn’t a bad thing ( even though i suspect will be premium, rather than sub faction. )

also because it would be weird seeing hungarians where they shouldn’t.
but then again, this game is not HA despite devs still using the same exscuse ( such as the cosmetics, despite weapons of 1945 being used literally everywhere. such as mosin m44, volkssturm weapons, vg 1-5s, mp3008, kriegsmodel kar etc )

which it’s fine, it doesn’t have to.

so, why not.

plus, me love some broom broom on wheels:


Hungary has tons of potential content for the game, it inspired me to make my subfaction trees. I hope the devs eventually add more nations to the game, just as subfactions and not splitting the queues.


That particular m43 is already in the game. Is it not? In BR V.

We have already a lot of Hungarian vehicles in WT so they just need to port and polish them.

I would also want some of Bulgarian tanks that they bought from other nations or modified by them:

Vickers E
Renault R35/40
T-11 - it may be too similar to the Panzer 38(t)
Bulgarian Stug III because why not?

Bulgarian Hetzer

Bulgarian Panzer IV (could be a gold order) before switching sides
Could be a new gold order for the Soviets after Bulgarians betrayed Germans

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Yes, it’s premium.

Yeah it’s BR5 i highly doubt if DF would want to giveaway that gun for free in new sub faction TT.

Also it’s stupid how those old fake paratrooper assaulter squads got become irrevelant when real paratroopers come at bare minimum they should increase it’s soldier cap to 6.

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They could just have to add bayonet (both 43m & 39m can have bayonet) and it’s not like they havent done somthing like that (As-44 models 4 and 5 /T20E1 and T20)

They literally add Owen as a premium for Tunisia when it was free for pacific like they could do that again imo

Unless those Owen are different? But I swear it the same but then again I’m always wrong so you can’t trust me

Actually that is pretty smart for them they should start selling “premium squad” but in reality they are just skin squad dam I didn’t though about that they are actually genius.

that is BR3

I agree There’s a lot of squads that have been invalidated by a lot of things. there usually squads that have five people, a few assaulter squads come to mind. If it’s event or premium and it’s not a sniper, radio operator, or overpowered squad it should have at least 6 people. But I don’t think DF wants to make any squad that’s premium and not paratroopers more than five people unless it’s a rifleman squad.

Different situation, nobody knows there will be a merge in the future that will make Owen no longer exclusive in Tunisia.

That’s a good point there was also one american plane that was premium and they give it away few weeks later and pissed like 5 people that bought it

Yeah, this was truly hilarious.

i still dont understand why someone would buy the same gun that exist in other campaign at the time doesnt make sense to me anyway still if they buy for cloth then good for them

Good idea.

But I want Hungary as a separate faction, same as USRR / Germany / Italy / UK / USA / Japan :point_up:

(not every faction must have complete BR 5 tech-tree)

My idea was to give the 43Ms to a premium paratrooper squad.

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No, it has like no armor and no turret. There would be no point to take it in BR III.

have you checked armor values for panzer 4 f2, g, h, j, m10, m18. even though double value of armor seems scary, but they are all vulnerable to exactly same tanks cause of pen values on BR2+ guns.

btw didnt see no turret… well kinda pointless to have tank tree if you cant fill it with decent tanks…

M24 Chaffee and Ho-Ni have good 75 mm guns at BR2. If that’s fine then this is fine.

Do they have 6mm of armor?

It is decent… at BR2