1% damage resist wouldn’t do anything, 20% damage resist actually does
I’ll pick a random gun, lets go with Kiraly SMG, it does 7.9 damage so two shots to the torso is 15.8, but body armor brings that down to 12.6 damage. This means with vitality (13.5 total hp before going down), you are tanking an extra shot from the gun just because of how you spent your appearance orders
Soviet body armor is a biased game mechanic in my opinion
for me body armor is not a big deal cause you mostly play against bots and players worse than bots.
BUT i want it removed cause it violates basic equipment balance that should be based on just weapon stats between nations, it is only available for separate currency that you cant earn by playing normally(*outside events and BP) and lastly it is only available to one nation.
for me it would be somewhat acceptable if:
it was available for all nations
it is equipment(like binoculars or flasks) buyable with silver
even then it would affect balance of some weapons that had some unique advantages over some other weapon on same BR.
Wtf you all take this numbers from?
20%? Where? Show me your damned source.
2.8 is 20%, not 10%.
Where the fk you take your numbers from?
Did you really lived in a fantasy world until now, where body armor resist 20! %?
It’s a thing that’s should be just unique part of equipment for soviets with it’s unique buffs and debuffs.
Not as customize bs. As stick mine for japs.
this wouldnt be problem if everything unique about germans wasnt basically just copied by soviets(e.g. panzerfaust and as44). either we have unique and asymmetrical balance or we have copy pasted symmetrical balance.
go calculate yourself if you want to disprove something. i gave you my source.
btw here is hint. make graph. mark damage on 10m and damage on 100m on that graph and pull a line.
I think we should let the Germans loot Soviet armor. Then everyone will be happy. Besides, as far as I know, there were some real cases of the Germans using captured bodyarmor.
In fact, there have been cases where a soldier would gather all the grenades in the area close to him, let the enemy get closer, and start throwing dozens of grenades at them.
i gave you results on graph, you dont agree with them, so go calculate. idk what is so hard to understand that weapon needs to deal 15 damage to kill 13.5hp player with body armor. if you cant even calculate that, then we dont have anything to discuss here.
Considering that I only had 2 minutes to spare, I probably didn’t respond quite logically and fully.
In any case, you’re taking a fantastic situation. In which you meet a player with this skill, wearing this body armor at a distance of up to 10 meters. And for some reason, you only have 1 round in the magazine. Or for some reason, only 1 cartridge gets out of the magazine.
Or you’re looking the enemy in the face for some reason. In this situation, it doesn’t matter which one has what kind of damage, what kind of body armor, it’s important who has stronger connections with the server and faith in the snail. In any other situation, you fire all the bullets indiscriminately and successfully kill both the one without a body armor and the one with a body armor. Ultimately, the whole problem is that for some reason, a survivability perk was added and the damage of semi-automatic rifles was increased. Ah no, no. Problem in the people heads, who can look only one parameter at same time. And wanna wanna have everything is best, with best dmg, dps, with max hp and etc.
I literally cannot imagine a situation in which 1 bullet can affect anything for semi-automatic and even more so automatic weapons.
If it would save from bolt action, then we could still talk about it’s useful. And still it’s one bullet for certain weapon which don’t really give a fk about 1 bullet. At certain distance at certain part of body. Yeah maybe biggest, but still not the most hitted.
not a fantasy situation. simply fg42 needs 1 bullet to kill player with vitality within 40m when player is not wearing body armor. when he is wearing body armor he needs 2 shots in same distance. at that distance you are usually contesting caps where there are multiple enemies and difference in number of bullets to kill makes a difference in final outcome of that fight.
yes cause it is only thing that matters when we talk about balance between weapons. when talking about weapon balance we are not talking about player skill, player luck, server status or whatever other reason you can think of. we are talking about how many bullets you need to shoot before killing enemy or eventually TTK, recoil etc. playing against player with body armor is like fighting with weapons that are 1 or 2 BR lower than what you currently have.
it is not 1 bullet. e.g. for fg42 it is difference of being able to kill 10 people with 1 magazine (or down 20) VS being able to kill 6.66 people (or down 10 people).